D VW is planting plants

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D VW is planting plants


Mid 30s ADHD computer programmer. Nerd. White. Enby (they/them).
Same handle on twitter.
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
If they don’t meet your ask you have to make them fucking hate you, that’s how democracy works
I did the math: There’s an estimated 2,781 billionaires on the planet. If they are an average of six feet tall (generous) the stack of them would span 16,686 feet of the Mariana Trench’s 35,814 feet. Leaving 19,128 feet, or room for about 3,188 millionaires.
if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
I have two things to say about CPR. Actually 3. 1. Learn CPR. If you can't take a formal class for time/money reasons, go watch shit online. 2. You won't harm someone by performing CPR if they need CPR. You cannot make someone more dead. 3. Most CPR fails. Do it anyway.
hey bluesky can you help me get 100 downloads of this super dope album for pride month? all proceeds go toward me paying rent for this month
at the end of the day there are two people who can win the election one of them is going to if I have any preference at all between them and the policies they espouse - even if I like neither - the one concrete action I can take is to pick which of the two bad options I hate the least
David Tennant should put out a statement simply saying “Don’t you think they look tired”.
Trump on Jan. 6: 'We're Gonna Do That Shit Again'
FACT CHECK Trump to Biden: “You ought to be ashamed of yourself.” FALSE: Mental health experts agree that shame is a counterproductive emotion.
They use the word "commonplace gratuities" in the opinion and I'm so baffled. It's not commonplace at all to give a gratuity to a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL who used THE POWER OF THE GOVERNMENT to enrich you. Or at least, it wasn't until now.
bidets are the next stage in the historical material process of ass cleaning. live in butthole feudalism if you insist, but don’t get spiteful when fully automated luxury tuchus communism happens & you aren’t invited because you left your fartbox in the dark ages covered in shit & kleenex scraps.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
the fact that we can look at most major problems with our lives and guess "this is the fault of private equity" - and have that actually be correct a shockingly large percentage of the time - is an excellent reason to regulate the industry into the ground
"Veterinary prices have soared more than 60% over the past decade, according to federal stats. Private equity firms and large corps have bought 100s of facilities around the country, an acquisition spree reminiscent of the corporate roll-ups of doctors’ offices." www.nytimes.com/2024/06/23/h...
Why You’re Paying Your Veterinarian So Muchwww.nytimes.com People have grown more attached to their pets — and more willing to spend money on them — turning animal medicine into a high-tech industry worth billions.
I don't think everyone is "suddenly" having adhd and autism. I think millennials were raised by parents who were ashamed of having children that weren't "normal" so we were forced to mask so hard that we "seemed" normal but were "just a little strange" and now we're all learning to unmask.
Bluesky drama where if you aren't here for 20 minutes on a Thursday night you miss everything and will never catch up
my day job is on hold but they won't lay me off so i can't get unemployment while i look for another job, kaiconic is both hilarious and keeping me afloat right now -- if i get 100 more downloads today i can pay my (hella late) rent for this month
i re-released this 100% indie intimate hilarious queer/trans standup comedy album & it would mean so much if you shared and checked it out today p.s. bandcamp takes a big cut so if you venmo (kaicomedy) or cashapp (hifromkai) you can pay what you want $5+ & i'll personally send it to you
Kaiconic • A Gender Reveal Standup Mixtape, by Kai Choycekaicomedy.bandcamp.com 17 track album
Ok, let's try something. Lotta nerds follow this nice lady. She's having a bad time. Let's do some helping. Send me proof of donating $20 to her and I'll do a character sketch for you. Dnd, CoC, whatever! Catch a deal, help out a quality skeeter. it'll be stuff like this.
got prescribed trazodone, amy is headed out of area w/ uber bc Saturday to pick it up. Hate to ask but I'm going to be off work at least a week, and I've already had to spend an inordinate amount of money on modest funeral clothing, and ubers. IF YOU CAN, cash app in bio. And my venmo...
BREAKING: the supreme court has also ruled 8-1 in the same slate of opinions that charlie brown "did not have hoes" with alito dissenting that it was "possible that he may have hoes eventually"
the supreme court has now ruled that you have to be nice to donald trump because it is his birthday and he is just a little birthday boy
average threads ally post: i posted that trans people deserve to be alive yesterday and i lost followers! idc though, the trash takes itself out [100 replies saying “the trash takes itself out”] average bsky post: if you don’t love trans people i will knife you down big style
i regret to inform you that threads does not have the juice
So many examples like this. Rufo et al are using highlights to make it seem like she's lifting entire sentences and paragraphs but the phrases in the highlights often don't match up. Some of them barely resemble each other.
If you party like it's 1999 you are partying like you did a quarter century ago. Please drink enough water and don't stay out too late, you're old as fuck now
My older sister showed her smol children a video of the fireworks and countdown happening in London, told them it was 2024, and sent em to bed at 9pm 😭 Happy New Year folks!