
people who actually get news from normal news sources and not social media, how much coverage has the new trump/epstein stuff gotten?
i don't get clear pictures of things until they're like. on podcasts
does anyone have a good non twitter link
been trying to figure this one out- the allegations are from a few years ago, but it looks like the documents with details are new.
i hesitate to say "none" but i haven't seen anything about it in the three newspapers i'm subscribed to, so... functionally none?
None, but it's a holiday. I'd give it until Monday to say for sure.
they have time for up to the minute biden news tho
depressingly little, sadly.
Just checked with some relatives who watch TV news all the time. They had no idea what I was talking about.
OH RIGHT you mean how much coverage has it got? zero. I had to go to bluesky to find it meaning that the news is about as mainstream as the alf hog meme
Literally the first I’m hearing of it
Um....what new stuff? I'm not joking, your skeet was the first one I saw when I opened Blue sky after work and it literally the first I'm hearing. OFF TO THE GOOGLE
Not enough coverage, just a flash of a story, no analysis or readings. Basically it happened on slide 14 of a news Rundown.
Most of my news consumption is now in Spanish, and I haven't heard it being talked about at all.
From what I can find, there might have been a release of new documents today. Some papers from other countries are making hay out of graphic descriptions of SA involving Trump that were thrown out 7 years ago. The only US news orgs talking about the release make 0 mention of Trump
AP and Newsweek were the only US news orgs I could find even mentioning the release of new court documents today This article was updated today but makes no mention of any of the pictures of court documents people are sharing. Makes me wonder if some of the images people are reposting here are honestly faked. All this article says is Trump was on planes but didn't participate
What the Jeffrey Epstein Documents Reveal About Donald Trump’s name has been on the list of Epstein pals for years. As new files are unsealed, here’s everything we have learned about their relationship.
The oversees articles I'm finding are much more explicit but still nothing. I've found a news article from India that says the documents released today show that Trump engaged in sexual acts with 2 twelve year olds and entered a plea bargain in 2005 but again, this is the Hindustan Times
I've only seen the documents on social media. Zero mention on any. I thought I'd maybe seen a headline on Ground News but when I went back to look it was all Biden stuff. A search revealed the only newspaper discussing it is the Pakistani Express Tribune
Trump-Epstein connection casts shadow over election campaign | Entertainment Jeffrey Epstein's undisclosed revelation involving Trump triggers renewed scrutiny amidst court disclosures.
You'll note even this article makes no mention of the details revealed in the court documents just speculates about what could be there