
If this was a pharmaceutical the company would be issuing glowing press releases, the stock would be shooting up, advocacy groups would be yelling at the FDA to approve it quickly
If it was in late trials they'd cancel the trial because it's unethical to not give to the control group
Ask your doctor if transitioning might be right for you
You can't find a 94 percent happiness with anything
That's correct. Including this. I don't trust the data.
You can trust the data on this. It's a small, easily polled community. The point is no one goes through the long, arduous work of transitioning unless it's desperately needed.
Is surgery the cure for gender dysphoria? Is gender dysphoria a mental health condition that leads to suicide? So I guess the question is does a physical surgery fix a mental health issue? I don't know if it does. Insufficient data. I think subjective politics over objective science is a disservice.
It's not a cure, it's an exercise of bodily autonomy. People are unhappy when prevented from practicing it and happy when they can. It's not that deep.
"subjective politics over objective science" is exactly what you're doing here, my dude
Those aren't reasons not to trust this data, those are questions about the treatment of gender dysphoria. Why don't you trust this data?
We have a mountain of studies and metastudies that show that affimative gender therapies, including surgical interventions, successfully improve mental health and quality of life for transgender people. The subjective politics is entirely the coalition of theocratic bigots w/ the ADF & FotF
We have - the ADF & FotF - in their own words, in court-recorded documentation, declaring that their subjective political goal is to induce (through a torrent of flat contradiction and misinformation) a distrust of the actual science. Now: Distinguish yourself from them.
It's not "subjective" simply because you don't personally like the outcome. If you think it's "bad data" then prove it by dissecting the methodology. Don't just say "I don't like it because it doesn't jibe with what I _feel_ is true" Facts don't care about your feelings.
Indigenous people can attest to this. We have many terms for trans identity under the umbrella term two-spirit since pre-colonial history, because trans people have always been respected in Indigenous cultures
I am willing to invest in transgender.
Same energy as universal basic income honestly Give all the trans all the monies
i mean you're more than welcome to be the change you want to see and give me $200, lord knows i need it
I mean, UBI is supposed to be governmental, not private. With that being said, if I had the income I have without the kids, I’d be in a better position to send it your way.
What? You're telling me that letting people live the way that validates their identity and allows them to exist as their authentic selves...makes them happier? What an absolutely shocking revelation! Seriously though, goddamn. 94% is nothing to sneeze at!
does a pharma co sell hrt? they need to treat that shit like oxy and demand docs prescribe it for a kinds of shit. who's to say transitioning wouldn't fix someone's gout??
The rest of the medical field would do very unethical rituals to some very unholy entities in some very dark woods for the very single digit to sub-single digit regret rates of gender affirming care.
advocacy groups including investors in the company stock
Jesse Singal: “Have you considered everyone in the world who DIDN’T take the drug?”
Someone check on the New York Times. They may be having some confused feelings after seeing this.
I think the rest of society needs to approve it before the FDA ever will.