TJ Tomaso

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TJ Tomaso

Infrequent purveyor
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Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
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Once again I’m here to say that needs to give people the opportunity to lock their accounts, or else we’re just going to constantly lose people to bad-faith pile-ons and then the whole place goes tumbleweeds.
Avatar 2 Sardakk guide ?’s 1) are you putting it off in the hopes they get some omega love in the next codex? 2) is there room for a “Clue” approach to the episode (no tech looks like this but it doesn’t work, shipless looks like this but it doesn’t work, here IS what works)?
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I don’t understand why people who are allergic to jokes are even on here
I discovered this in high school, and can luckily still wear several articles from that period in time. This is a brag but also not.
One of the middle aged traits I picked up by about age 25 was that comfort is paramount. I found a pair of cargo shorts and a t-shirt or jeans/hoodie if it's cold was optimal comfort for me and I've never looked back. Hell I've been buying the same type of sketchers for close to 15 years now
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Everything I know about myself tells me that I would have fallen for the Trojan Horse.
Reposted byAvatar TJ Tomaso
Individuals who received the $1,000/mo or $500/mo payments were more likely to find a stable, full-time job than before they received the basic income. Results showed 45% of participants secured housing, while $589,214 was saved in public service costs. "It's freedom. It's freedom from poverty..."
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
Your favorite social issue combined with your favorite breed of dog is your political operative name: Abortion Corgi
Our family (my parents and siblings) traveled from Wisconsin to Mount Rushmore in a motor home
Please tell me the most mildly, minimally interesting fact about you. Like just barely interesting. I'll start: The western hemisphere's last remaining manufacturer of barber poles is located less than a mile from my house.
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too good not to share.
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the thing about the frog-in-boiling-water allegory is that in real life the frogs in that experiment had their brains removed; frogs with intact brains quickly jumped out of the hot water. which actually makes it somehow more illustrative of people who write or are persuaded by 3-3-3 court pieces
34-0 is a very good fact. I’m hoping my celebration tonight will be a very good feeling.
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I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
Reposted byAvatar TJ Tomaso
I have a joke about The Minotaur, but everyone just says it’s a bunch of bull
I have a joke about Atlas, but I'm not sure how much it holds up
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If you don't want them to have months to prepare their anti-genocide protest, then I guess you'll just have to stop genociding for so many months.
Frantically rushing to: -get the toilet-training kid with an upset tummy to finish pooping on the toilet -shower both little kids -cook dinner for a feed both little kids -move computer to the basement -finish prepping D&D for tonight -feed myself I have about an hour
Work? Absolutely slammed, with crazy impending deadlines Home? Finally entering a lull between ridiculous busy weeks. Like. Kids have something every night and most weekends are double booked. But as a shining ray, a board game I kickstarted last year should be shipping tomorrow
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There's been a lot of reflecting about GamerGate, lately, and I'm reminded of how one of the contrarian liberal scolds of the era, the writer David Auerbach, was later revealed to have had a running correspondence with Milo Yiannopoulos, where he was suggesting targets to him.
The amount of power and authority the New York Times has given Chris Rufo is deeply unhinged. This article is not journalism.
Super glad to learn today that Tony Evers vetoed a Republican ban on transgender athletes. Bummed (but not shocked) to hear about it from a friend that shared it with the group as a disappointing development.
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Welp they have a section on 1999 in the historical lives section of the museum I'm going to the grave bye
Reposted byAvatar TJ Tomaso
This 7-minute TikTok by is worth watching for how it (1) reveals that Katie Britt falsely transposed a horrific story from 2000s Mexico to 2020s U.S. and (2) checks facts via a short, compelling, sharable video. More of this, please!
Reposted byAvatar TJ Tomaso
the grinch’s heart was a grower not a show-er that day
Reposted byAvatar TJ Tomaso
Did you know that Minnesota and Oregon routinely have 70% turnout for presidential elections? Why not set that as the bar and provide federal funds and technical support to every state that can’t reach it? Penalize states that actively fail to improve? We don’t have to accept the status quo.
This is why I want us to talk about voting affirmation—maximizing turnout, aiming for high participation—rather than penalizing voter suppression. Oh, and we should affirm the right to vote in the Constitution.
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damn how big was that coat
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There is a Republican on the Wisconsin Elections Commission who bragged about “major reductions” in “overwhelming Black and Hispanic areas.” This was revealed in January 2023. He is still serving!
I don't know how many leaked videos and audios of people aligned with the GOP saying this is the goal before like IDK we realize this is the goal.