
I’m on board with the idea that Biden is too old to campaign and should be replaced as the nominee. But calling for him to resign as president is absolute fucking political suicide and I hope the left realizes that’s exactly what the right wing is gunning for right now
Fun fact: if Biden steps down and Harris becomes POTUS, the new VP nominee needs to be approved by both houses of Congress. There's no way that the Republican controlled House would approve one. They will gleefully hamstring her instead.
Exactly and then they plan to cause chaos if they lose the election because there will be no VP to certify the vote
Doesn’t the President Pro Tempore fill in for the VP in presiding over the count if the VP is unavailable?
You can bet that they will file a SCOTUS brief claiming that the ratification isn't valid if there is no VP and SCOTUS will back it up.
Exactly! There is no rat fuckery too debased for the Republicans here, it's mind-boggling how many people genuinely think this is just a simple administrative transaction to switch candidates around willy-nilly.
The only path that even remotely seems like it would be viable and least chaotic would be for Biden to stay in office and formally ask all his delegates to vote for Harris as the nominee instead.
I mean, I have a lot of responses about how that would be frivolous since we passed ECA legislation that clarifies the role is *purely* ceremonial, how it’s a nonjusticable question so the Court wouldn’t look at it. …but after the immunity decision I’m just not going to say any of that.
Fair point. It makes it easier for the SCOTUS to politically ratfuck us, and SCOTUS does appear to want to ratfuck us.
Exactly. We cannot trust them one tiny bit.
It also wouldn’t automatically make her the nominee. The convention rules don’t just give it to the incumbent, the incumbent is just all-but guaranteed to win the primary.
True but it seems to me that in that scenario the smoothest path to an uncontested convention is through Harris.
I know that people on the left are calling for Biden to step down/step aside, but it's the Democrats pols, donors, and centerists and press that are doing the heavy lift on this, and successfully driving the issue, not lefty posters. The Dems do not listen to the left.
It's not the Left that's pushing, or had been pushing that idea. It's the Dems. The calls are coming from *inside* the house.
The avalanche of hot takes is beyond annoying.
I’m sorry, which leftists are calling for his resignation?
who does that suddenly put in second in line to the president 🤔
It’s so obvious!
if Biden were to resign, Kamala would have to stay in the WH bunker until January
If he's replaced as the nominee, the press will start gunning for him to resign with the same frothing coverage we're seeing now. ("If he's not fit to campaign, surely he's not fit to do his presidential duties.")