
New research shows lifelong bikers have healthier knees, less pain and a longer lifespan, compared to people who've never biked. This adds to the evidence that cycling promotes healthy aging.
Like to bike? Your knees will thank you and you may live longer, New research shows lifelong bikers have healthier knees, less pain and a longer lifespan, compared to people who've never biked. This adds to the evidence that cycling promotes healthy aging.
And it's not just that people with bad knees and more pain stop cycling, right?
Its about people who have cycled vs never cycled. Not those what have quit. I cycle too much and my knees are toast
How is "have cycled" determined? I used to bike, in my teens and '20s, before moving to a city with insane drivers.
Hello fellow Colin, you simply need to carry an AR-15 strapped to your back while you bike and then the drivers won't fuck with you
Lifelong skateboarders however have TBI, weed-lung and a limp
They don’t need to be high end road bikes to be enjoyable, either. Bought this gravel bike used for $100 and replaced the front tire.
Imo, bicycles hold their functional value way longer than cars do. And if something does break, the sad part is that it may cost more than the value of the bike once you're at the $100 bike territory 😔
This Specialized frame was tossed and the components were too good to be scrapped. But none of my friends wanted a project because they have one or two bikes too many.
oh wow, sorry I'm just looking at this now. It's a roubaix with an older groupset. Y'know, a lot of people would like this... there's nothing actually wrong with older groupsets (unless you don't like rim brakes for some reason)
No worries, I was pointing out this frame and components was tossed. I hope it was reclaimed at the dump and turned into something useful.
My used bike retailed for 550 at REI, I benefit from affluenza. My next purchase might be a titanium frame for hundreds rather than thousands of dollars.
Pretty sure any consistent physical activity will promote healthy aging
Maybe people with bad knees and chronic pain don’t take up bicycling.
Roads aren't safe for cyclists. I'm all for Americans exercising more but cars are a serious danger to cyclists. I can't use "bikers" here. It makes me I think of a fat guy on a Harley who owns a car dealership and he loves Trump.
We cyclists need to flip things and make driving dangerous to the drivers.
Like what if cyclists started murdering drivers at random?
The Cyclist could be a superhero in the MCU. He has a sphere of destruction always surrounding him that he uses to remove the most dangerous vehicles and people from the roads.
iirc VO2 max is a key indicator of general quality of life and lifespan, which cycling is very good about. cycling is simply goated
So, if I buy another bicycle my knees will be even better, right? Cause I know which next one I want and I need the excuse pretty badly.
Mmmm no mention if it's normalized for other things that impact lifespan, like income, race, etc.
Yes, also for knees, like does bike usage correlate with fewer knee issues because people with knee issues don't ride bikes (because of their knee issues!) that would be ridiculous, and yet I wouldn't be surprised
If you didn't get run over by a fucker on a truck first...
Interesting I'm biking to recover knee replacement
I have bad knees from osteoarthritis and I they always feel better when I ride 30 minutes on my stationary bike
Simpler version of this is: If you move, you'll live longer and be healthier - i don't even have to be moving that much. How you move doesn't matter as much.
Now if we just get bicycling companies to quit charging exorbitant prices for their product… it would make it more accessible for all… No bicycle should cost more than a car… it’s a fucking bicycle
Are you aware of how much cars cost currently?
I used to live in a bike-friendly city and cycled quite a lot. Then cellphones happened and cycling become significantly more dangerous. Then I moved to a hazardous-for-bikes city and finally gave up. I'm sure it's still mostly safe in the suburbs and surrounding rural areas. Not where I live.
You should flip that and make biking hazardous to drivers
The drivers are both better armored and better armed than I, but I'll entertain any suggestions! Memphis is one of the most dangerous US cities for pedestrians and cyclists. I love the place but it does have its flaws.
I'm trying to figure this out because I need it too in Chicago
A friend of mine, originally from Chicago(!) said the attitude of Memphis drivers is, "It's MY road." This appears to be true, but pedestrians seem to have the same attitude. This may account for the high incident rate of misadventure between motorist and pedestrian.
We have this wonderful cross-city trail called The Greenline. But you have to get to it. I'm brave about some things, but I know the local drivers, and when it comes to an encounter between me and a land yacht with the driver on a cellphone and spitting tobacco juice, I know who's going to win.
Did the survey look at income levels and location of subjects?
I ♥️ biking, but it almost killed me. Bad judgment + biking = 🚑 Be smart and be careful.
Yeah my knees pop when i peddle so
Better to use the term “bicyclist” least some of us are confused. Canceling my order for a Harley now….
I used to enjoy biking. Then my knees got Very bad Very fast. I’d Really like to be able to ride a bike but I can’t anymore.
Guess I’m buying a bike today.