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Monotropic science teacher.

aka Ferrous, or Oolong (or MxOolong).


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Important stuff in this thread
I generally avoid Trump Kremlinology, but in this case I think it's relevant. By all accounts, Vance got the VP nod thanks to his ties to Don, Jr. & Eric, who are the Trump kids in ascendance as Javanka fades into the background. Don Jr. and Eric are extremist wackos. www.ft.com/content/8e52...
Donald Trump Jr plays Republican kingmakerwww.ft.com Son of the former US president has outmanoeuvred establishment titans to elevate JD Vance to running mate
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Think I found the source of that Tardigrade picture, and they have other stuff that feels like it would be very popular here (To be clear: I am not affiliated; I saw the tardigrade pic in a pile of memes elsewhere..) https://ko-fi.com/reinpress/shop
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The threat corbyn posed to starmer shaggers was egalitarianism: the literal opposite of what they claimed to be afraid of. That’s why there were all off voting for racist parties when man was threatening to house the homeless, and why they’re back now Labour want to punish the ‘bottom’ rung
This also exposes the "Corbyn wants to reopen Auschwitz" stuff for the play-acting and shadow boxing that it was, because there is no way you could legitimately think Corbyn was more of a threat to any minority than Trump or Vance. No way. I don't believe you.
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"When I'm talking to folks in rooms, what I'm hearing is "my donor this, my donor that". it's not "my voters this, my voters that""
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Forget the fevered speculation about whether the Trump shooting was staged. What matters is we still have NO IDEA how seriously he was injured, and what's under that bandage that the clownish followers of his fascist cult are wearing at RNC. It's being handled by the GOP AS IF it had been staged.
Trump has given no official info about his medical care for days since an assassination attemptapnews.com Four days after a gunman’s attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump, the public is still in the dark over the extent of his injuries, what treatment the Republican presidential nominee rec...
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The two child benefit cap is a primary driver of child poverty in the UK. Ending it today would lift 250,000 children out of poverty. If the UK copied the income tax changes we implemented in Scotland they could afford to abolish the cap 3 times over.
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This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
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My nieces were given ereaders this year and they have contentedly filled them to bursting and been reading nonstop. It’s so great to watch them discover more writers bc they can gamble on a new book less expensively or with a subscription like k+ or KU. It’s just wholesome.
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Academic journals see "staggering profit margins approaching 40%.... Meanwhile, academics do almost all of the substantive work to produce these articles free of charge". Then, we have to pay eye-watering sums to make our papers open access. www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
Academic journals are a lucrative scam – and we’re determined to change that | Arash Abizadehwww.theguardian.com Giant publishers are bleeding universities dry, with profit margins that rival Google’s. So we decided to start our own, says academic Arash Abizadeh
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if we actually get sudden irish unification this year, I genuinely think at least a little bit of the reason will be because of a sense or urgency created by people trying to fulfill the TNG meme while it's still 2024
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social media discourse is a waste of time conventionally speaking but it's good to get in the habit of recognizing a lot of otherwise popular media darlings as what they are - self important blowhards who shouldn't be leading our discussions. a riotous cacophony of freaks and weirdos should.
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i'm putting together a newsletter with corresponding infographics featuring parts of project 2025 that will resonate with specific types of people. so far I have: teachers, porn viewers, parents, union members, environmentalists. who else should I add?
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If you can tell someone is having a hard time and needs help, taking a moment to consider what they might need help with, and what you are willing to offer, and see if there's any intersection there, will always be better than "let me know if you need anything!".
FREEDOM!! (Kifl had an eye operation a couple of weeks ago, and finally got to take her protective cone off just now)
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10. Calling us "tragic" makes it easier for people to think of our loss of rights, infection with preventable diseases, and early deaths as acceptable. It's also completely dehumanising. 11. Wheelchair access must include accessible toilets. Always check before you say a place is accessible. 5/
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6. Because of constant pressure not to use a wheelchair, people with gradual deterioration put it off for months or years, which makes them more disabled. This can destroy lives. 7. There's a clear path from cries of, "It's a miracle!" when someone stands, to pushing us in front of a car. 3/
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I wrote a thread about things I wish non-disabled people knew about wheelchair users the other week. It got rather long, unsurprisingly. bsky.app/profile/even...
Things I wish people knew about wheelchair users: 1. We're not "bound" or "confined" to them, just as you are not "bus-bound" or "confined to a car". 2. The majority of us are ambulatory (part time) wheelchair users. This is normal. This is a good use of available mobility aids. 1/
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Thread. This is magnificent. :D
Right, so this is the story of the old mate I was out with last night, didn't happen to me, but too good not to repeat. Will probably only work for the Brit adjacent.
I really don't think the job of Health Secretary should be given to people with absolutely no relevant training, education or experience. The closest thing Wes Streeting has to a qualification for this post is that he was a cancer patient for a few months in 2021.
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(Self-promotion alert.) I recently gave a 45-min paper on Rachel Carson, British nature writing, and ecological loss/wonder. A lot of work, nice slides, and I'd like to give it again some time. So if you are organising a relevant event and are interested, please get in touch. #envhum
Hydrangeas after the rain.
Slowly bringing more of my web site up to date… This page collects most of my writing from the last two decades or so: #science, #philosophy etc. Not all of the #autism stuff - there's so much of that, it made more sense to have a comprehensive collection on a separate page. oolong.co.uk/writings/
Writings – Fergus Murrayoolong.co.uk Fergus Murray's writing on autism, science, politics, food, tea and various other topics.
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Tomorrow, a very special book comes out! It's my 3rd picture book, There Are No Ants in This Book, a silly, scientific picture book about ants. Give it to any kid who's excited about the world around them. www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/710556...
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It's so difficult to watch Democrats show more sympathy for Donald Trump than for the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed in the last few months.
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