gwynn gebeyehu

gwynn gebeyehu

I give out free hugs in local parks. I like the smell of rain and the sound of crickets. I have a dog named Clam.
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
Just remember: Arts & Humanities are so useless and pointless that Tech Bros were driven to spend billions of dollars to try and get a computer to do something that badly approximates something Arts & Humanities students could do half asleep and wired on coffee the night before the due date.
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
Going public with an experience like this is life-altering for a woman, so when you read these stories remember both the extraordinary amount of courage involved and also the likelihood that there are many others you’ll never hear.
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
Making to-do lists was stressing me out too much so I decided to change tack and instead make a list of all the tasks I am NOT completing and for reasons I can’t quite articulate it has improved the situation
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
This article is so good and packs so many killer lines that are so insightful that I literally could not decide on which to copy and paste here so just go read the whole thing.
A Woman Who Left Society to Live With Bears Weighs in on “Man or Bear” In this piece, long-term bicycle traveler Laura Killingbeck reflects on the "Man or Bear" debate and adds her unique perspective...
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
Is anyone in the Asia/Pacific region interested in teaching #rstats?
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
The Conservative Party?
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
Pope Francis has made clear that transgender people can be baptized, serve as godparents and be witnesses at church weddings, furthering his vision of a more inclusive Catholic church, in a new Vatican document.
Vatican Says Transgender People Can Be Baptized and Become A document approved by Pope Francis lays out nuanced guidance in keeping with his vision of a more inclusive church, but it does not amount to a policy change in the church, the Vatican says.
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
Happy Halloween 🎃 Here are the pumpkins I carved this year: An active red dwarf star and its gas giant planet. I call it an exo-pumkin. 🧪🔭
And she was Lord Byron's daughter. Her mom did not want her to be a poet so pushed her towards the sciences.
In pop culture, computing is often depicted with “tech bros.” But the first computer programmer was a brilliant woman. Augusta “Ada” Lovelace was born in 1815. Her notes include an algorithm designed to be carried out by a machine & she envisioned that computers could go beyond calculations.
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
THE TRANS DATA LIBRARY IS HERE! Six months in the making. A crack team of transgender journalists and deveopers. Its purpose: To provide information on individuals and organizations involved in anti-trans activism, their connections, funding, and activities.
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
In 1905 Rotorua was the scene of a hunt for two escapees. Two raccoons broke free from their enclosures with the help of the neighbouring kea, who probably recognised kindred spirits. A reward of £5 was offered for their capture. Via Archives New Zealand.
Reposted by gwynn gebeyehu
an argument about dog DNA testing has led us to this CBC story from March that pitted 4 testing companies against one another, in which they submitted one of their own reporter's DNA as a sample to see if anybody would catch it, which in turn has led us to the following amazing graphic
End of feed.