
Thrilled to know we got water in the woke wars.
pouring one out for coach's lawyer when coach gets sued over one of his kids dying of heat stroke and they find this post
If his district has a union start pouring shots for his rep.
Yeah I know they aren't great but supposedly their strength varies by district and contract...
that variation is between zero and minimal. TX has a law that striking teachers forfeit their retirement pension.
me: “I’m surprised they still have pensions” Two seconds later: “otoh that is a pretty useful point of leverage, maybe that’s why” 😬
Pension there is shit. Just read something that it's less than 24k/yr. For that, I'd go for a statewide strike. Crippling industry usually makes industry scream at politicians.
The "funny" part of that is it's specifically the Teacher Retirement System that's shit. There are other public employee pension systems in Texas that are shockingly good. It's just the teachers that get screwed
What percentage of each group of employees = white guys?
One thing I learned from Dan Lipinski is: there are political figures who are much more "pro worker" when the workers in question are white men.
I will let you draw your own conclusions from the fact that the one for county employees and that covers every sheriff's deputy (lots of other people, too, but all the county cops in the state) is largely considered the best one
Reps cannot represent a teacher during a meeting with administration or board to represent their rights to due process per contract?
there are no reps to begin with
How does that even work? That's nonsensical.
It's a pretty simple system: "Fuck you." That's how it works. How dare you suggest that your betters aren't giving you more than you deserve, you leech? Get back in the damn coal mine!
I guess if those teachers had just built stronger team spirit melting their brains on a football field instead of loser needs like drinking water, they would have been able to work together and win the right to a real union. Yikes.
you can join a "professional org" like TCTA but it's just lawyer rep. for drastic situations (ones that involve local press). the state is anti-union: if you strike, then you lose license and pension. you're a contract employee with god-awful health insurance (I left the state to teach elsewhere)
"That's nonsensical." First time in Texas?
I've been smart enough to avoid that shit hole
it's not really a union at all, it's more like membership in a political action committee.