Omri Marian

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Omri Marian

Family guy. Acting dad. Tax law professor. Backpacker. Beer snob. Israeli expat in SoCal.
Israel officially takes responsibility for the attack in Yemen. IDF Radio. This was 100% expected given the UAV attack in Tel Aviv two days ago.
What hit would Ben Gvir and Smotritch take? It's not like they have foreign financial assets that can be frozen and I'm absolutely certain they have the ability to operate financially with local support. But this will get them support from more right-wingers.
Houtis blame Israel for the attack in Hudayda, threatening response. Haaretz.
Also, these are oil terminals. This damage could potentially be the result of very few, yet accurate, munitions.
I would love them to be sanctioned. But I'm also afraid that sanctioning them would further empower them. So I'm not sure where I stand.
I'm not an expert. Just seems insane to risk about 2/3 of your most advanced fighter jets on a long distance retaliatory strike.
N12 citing "foreign sources": about two dozen F35s attacked in Hudayda.* *This seems a bit far fetched to me. These would be most of Israel's F35s.
Seems like a significant attack. This picture was just posted on N12.
Seems like a significant attack. This picture was just posted on N12.
Explosions reported in Hudayda, Yemen. A city controlled by the Houtis. N12.
Explosions reported in Hudayda, Yemen. A city controlled by the Houtis. N12.
I disagree. I truly believe Rabin's murder changed the course of history.
Reposted byAvatar Omri Marian
Tim Kaine becomes the first Senator, to my knowledge, to call for the unilateral recognition of the State of Palestine by the United States. "Since Israel has made plain that it will not accept Palestinian autonomy, the U.S. should no longer condition recognition on Israeli assent..."
Kaine Statement on Knesset Vote Rejecting Establishment of Palestinian State | U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations...
I'm already on multiple genocide denier/supporter lists. That's because the people who put me on these lists are amazingly stupid.
I can't stress this enough: things will NOT be the same for the Palestinians under Trump. It's going to be exceedingly worse for them. If you don't understand why, you just don't understand basic stuff about the the ME conflict as well as about Israel/US relations. Also...
Also lol “things will be the same for Palestinians under Trump” citation VERY MUCH FUCKING NEEDED, and even if it WERE true that’s not worth throwing LGBT+ Americans, POC and immigrants even further beneath the bus than they already are!
you might want to consider why are the right wing zealots in the Bibi government are cheering for Trump.
Reposted byAvatar Omri Marian
בית הדין בהאג קבע שהשמש זורחת במזרח ושעדיף להיות עשיר ובריא על עני וחולה
Reposted byAvatar Omri Marian
Today's headlines praising Trump's speech are worse than I imagined. The media has completely failed us.
If this was Biden's speech, the media headlines would all be "Numerous flubs and errors escalate doubts about Biden's fitness to be President." Because it's Trump, they won't say anything.
Another institution failing on our march to autocracy.
Reposted byAvatar Omri Marian
This is significant for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is that it will boost calls for sanctions against elements of the settlement project. In Israel, the ICJ is unpopular and many will view this as unwarranted intervention in internal affairs which ironically, 1/
Also a window into our future here if Trump is elected
The only caveat I can think of is that the US Embassy is about two blocks away, but this seems far enough to suggest it was not the target (or that the UAV is extremely inaccurate). Also, it doesn't make much sense for Iran to target the US embassy.
The area hit by a Houti UAV tonight in Tel Aviv is a mixed residential/commercial area, as far as I can tel (Ben Yehuda & Shalom Aliechem intersection).
They have been trying since October. This is simply the first time they succeeded. All Houtis UAVs have been shot down to date. IDF already said it identified the target in flight but didn't realize it was hostile due to a human error.
The bottom line for tonight: an Iranian proxy attacked a residential area in Tel Aviv, killing at least one Israeli. This is a dangerous escalation. There will be an Israeli response .I'm sure of it.
Reposted byAvatar Omri Marian
If you’re trying to figure out what Israel has against the Iranian regime, stuff like this might help.
Many in Israel will view tonight's attack in Tel Aviv an escalation.
Indeed. And the Houtis wouldn't do it without Iranian approval or encouragement. It's possible Israel will retaliate against Iranian interests.
Many in Israel will view tonight's attack in Tel Aviv an escalation.
The area hit by a Houti UAV tonight in Tel Aviv is a mixed residential/commercial area, as far as I can tel (Ben Yehuda & Shalom Aliechem intersection).
I assume it's a given. Iranian interests outside Yemen as well, possibly.
The Houtis have claimed responsibility for the attack. N12.
Israeli media reports at least one person killed in the attack.