
Nadav Eliyahu, Reuters. I believe this is rather spontaneous, and a direct response to Bibi preparing the ground to blow up the hostages deal.
Tel Aviv right now (Itay Ron, Haaretz).
Seems thousands and thousands in the streets weekly and Bibi is ignoring them.
If he stops, he's finished. Possibly even dead. He'll be thrown out of office and arrested before he hits the ground. So long as he's prime minister, they can't touch him. And so long as he's engaged in a war, he can't be ousted. He SHOULD fall on his sword, but...
The laws should be changed once he is gone as that's so open to abuse and we're seeing it right now. If a country can allow that then it's not a good country to begin with as it has flaws, a lot of them. You're just welcoming a warlord really.
He should fall into a meat grinder, preferably.
Yes, except no, because there are hefty legal fines incurred for shoving garbage into an industrial meat grinder.
I would suggest "he should fall into a trash compactor," but it turns out that the legal fines for shoving inappropriate garbage into a trash compactor are even heftier than the ones for industrial meat grinders.
US laws or Israeli ones? Also, if he falls in by himself, his estate can pay the fine.
According to US laws. As for Israeli laws, there's always an available pit in Gehenna.
I'm not sure that many Israelis want to live in a pariah state for Bibi's sake. If he blows up a ceasefire deal, he's probably cooked, anyway. He's been delaying the inevitable.
Yeah, even being prime minster doesn't save him. First, the war cabinet absolutely falls apart, and then the mob comes. He's either going to prison in Israel or in the Hague. He's just delaying one or the other.
If the war cabinet doesn't fall apart over Netanyahu killing the ceasefire (if he does, in fact, succeed in killing it), Benny Gantz should be facing some pretty pointed questions about his continued support.
US should take lesson from this. Men with too much power & legal troubles are hard to get rid of once they get back in power
Except that he's protected by most of those in the government. If they really thought he was a threat who should be thrown out and arrested, a war wouldn’t stop them. We can’t pretend Israel’s actions is a one person problem. They need a massive overhaul or else the same violent cycle will continue.
Some truth to that but it’s factional. Not that all the other factions are that great. But all of them have to play the factional gamesmanship; new elections changing the landscape might moderate the landscape a little.
they can also put his head on a pike, and he's a deluded fool not to realize it.
That's why he's pushing the violence. So long as the fighting continues, he's the leader and nobody can touch him. And if he kills all the Palestinians, or drives them out of Israel/Gaza/territories, then he's won. If he nukes Iran and starts WW3, he's won. We're caught between a shit and a fart.
He will literally shoot these people before stepping down
So many antisemites in Tel Aviv! Who knew? And are they 'pro-Hamas' too? It seems that, at least on university campuses and social media sites those two ALWAYS go together!
צא, דיבוק, צא!
He doesn't want a negotiated peace. He wants to finish what he started: to kill every member of Hamas. And if he has to kill everyone in Gaza to do so, that's what he wants to do. It is his final solution
this was building & visible before Oct 7th. sigh.
Genuine question: If thousands of Israelis are fed up with Netanyahu — both before October 7, & perhaps even more now — why can’t they gather the votes in the Knesset needed to hold new elections?
all I can think about this is how hard it has been for us to get rid of you-know-who 🇺🇸
Who? He who shall not be named? 😁😜 Oh you mean Orange Jesus. I agree.
The politicians in Bibi’s coalition know that many of them will lose their seats in the next election, so they stick with Bibi.
They were protesting against Bibi before the terrorist attacks.
This is the endgame of the policies they supported for the past nearly 8 decades: consequences of their actions.
People in America still don't get the whole Israelis are against the "war" they don't support the destruction of Gaza.
With few exceptions plenty of them don’t care and are only turning out because of the hostage crisis, and because they see a direct threat to their own rights. They’ve mostly been standing by for the slow destruction of Gaza for decades, or this wouldn’t be the situation now.
it’s a collective anger and exasperation.
Right now, in Tel Aviv, HUGE anti-war protests. It would seem that MANY Israelis are tired of Bibi's shit. AND THEY CAN DO NOTHING while hostilities are in play, ( no vote of no-confidence is allowed during hostilities).
bibi gets the biggest crowds.