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Kentucky's #1 guy for taking prednisone
Speaking of which, I used to pitch Kai Ryssdal as an outside the box VP candidate. I thought Unkillable War God Tammy Duckworth - Ryssdal looked like a winner for 2020.
Naming and shaming rules. We should be naming and shaming.
Look, I know naming and shaming is bad form on social media, but it's not in my culture, so: this guy (not Neid, he's cool) is the stupidest motherfucker I've yet encountered on this site and it's not even close. Either this is a bit, they're on coke, or they have brain damage.
My dad actually has Parkinson's and will die of it and this is going to make me blow a blood vessel in my eye.
The NYT Parkinson's "scoop" is even worse than it seems from the headline, bc buried in paragraph 11 the reporters *know* Dr. Connard met with someone other than Biden, and on March 28, 2024 the President's Public Schedule shows Biden was in NYC the whole day
Meanwhile you have bozos like Nate Silver saying, "The Deep State is real???," and the NYT is basically a Republican Party broadsheet, and unless things go well just because of fundamentals, I think we're in pretty deep water.
I don't think you can actually do replacement without getting a million lawsuits filed against you because there aren't any other D campaigns filed with the fec and I think that deadline is passed. So the GOP would sue us to death and we wouldn't be on the ballot in half the states in November.
I don't think you can actually do replacement without getting a million lawsuits filed against you because there aren't any other D campaigns filed with the fec and I think that deadline is passed. So the GOP would sue us to death and we wouldn't be on the ballot in half the states in November.
I think the only people I've seen in the Replace camp who I actually believe are acting from concern for the country are and Kai Ryssdal. Everyone else either sees the chaos as a chance to push an agenda they couldn't otherwise get through or just to hurt liberals/the US.
I think the only people I've seen in the Replace camp who I actually believe are acting from concern for the country are and Kai Ryssdal. Everyone else either sees the chaos as a chance to push an agenda they couldn't otherwise get through or just to hurt liberals/the US.
Reposted byAvatar Thomas
Imagine rocking so hard the Department of Energy pays you to draw a bunch of monsters chilling around a cauldron containing their particle accelerator
actually it's probably just all of Newsradio, but that doesn't really lend itself to responding to the prompt
What’s the best episode of television you’ve ever seen?
Reposted byAvatar Thomas
Operation names used to be generated randomly from word lists, which is why Market Garden and Castle Bravo go so hard, and now they get named by committees of PAOs trying to please their field grade superior who has to take it to a general.
Poured my lunch all over myself.
Drinking a really cold Japanese beer at 11:30 in the morning, I have yet to write an (1) email today.
Drinking a really cold Japanese beer at 11:30 in the morning, I have yet to write an (1) email today.
Reposted byAvatar Thomas
French printing of the Basic D&D Rulebook from 1980
Reposted byAvatar Thomas
Clouds on Mars are a mixture of dry ice and water. Mars' cloudy sky as seen by Perseverance rover in 2023
Reposted byAvatar Thomas
Don't buy a 10 foot phone charging cord. You think it'll be great, the longer the better, but that's pride fuckin' with you
A little harsh on an accountant-turned-romance-novelist from the West Midlands, but this is a great insult. People are always trying to do this kind of thing and it almost never works -- like David Simon calling people he hates, "Cock gizmo," or "Shit Whippit," or whatever on twitter.
Went down to the allotments and drank prosecco with elderflower
Reposted byAvatar Thomas
There should be a refrigerator full of sandwiches at every publicly accessible Federal facility. This includes post offices, military recruiting centers, IRS offices, WHATEVER. The sandwiches are not very good, but, & this is KEY, they are absolutely FREE to anyone who wants one no questions asked
I bought a Barbour waxed jacket this week and the collar fastenings on these things range from Blade Runner to BDSM.
Swiss "people" fuck the holes into cheese.
You know how they get them in there
A sign of a really degenerate culture is if people walk around eating Pringles straight from the tube.
My favorite kind of music is Halloween techno.