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Gaiman is. The pattern talked about in recent allegations is decades-long. Power imbalance frequently at the heart of what Neil does. At Clarion West (might be Clarion, can't recall), there's the Gaiman Rule for instructors, named after Neil: "Don't sleep with the students." ->
There's zero dispute that Gaiman is a predator. Merely by admitting he entered a sexual relationship with a woman generations younger than him that he employed, he confirmed he's a predator. The question of what to do with his body of work is separate from the fact of his being an abuser.
So exactly how un/famous does a white cis man have to be in the SFF community for the community to loudly condemn credible accusations of abuse? One novel, two? A movie based on a property? I’d really like to know.
finally scanned in my cards with manabox, should have done this sooner. found a shallow grave from mirage XD
Launching my 2nd game next week! Thanks for playing the first one! Excited to share this new adventure with you all #gamedev #indiegame
#Wuxia has long shared a connection with #music, in her recent "pan-genre" album, Akini Jing explores it not only aesthetically but also (according to her words) in terms of the aspirations and fallibility of the Xia Akini Jing · Album · 2024 · 9 songs.
Out in a couple of days is this fantastic #film by female director Yin Ruoxin (My Sister), about street kids and found family, based on a true story. #野孩子
anyone know cantonese and jyupting? need some help with a few sentences i want to make sure i'm getting it right. thanks!
Time for an economics lesson.
turns out my state is having a contest on "I Voted" sticker designs, and I would like to show you the most metal one by a middle schooler:
De-Crowned EP by Chinese black #metal band Destroy the Redemption, who mix in a bit of Western mysticism with their haunting atmosphere of Eastern Occult. #music
De-Crowned / 被廢的冠冕, by DESTROY THE 5 track album
Pulled my twin as a capybara from a blind box
Streamers & Aspiring VA-- I hope this blog post helps! ps: game devs, there's a link to folks interested in VA in the post for you as well!
How to Leverage Game Jams to Gain Voice Acting Just a place for Alykkat to share her thoughts on games & stuff.
"This is the sort of experience that elevates the entire hobby, and I can only hope one day English-reading audiences get to play this incredible game too." started to work on localizing the game. hmu if you know Chinese, have/want to play the game and can help.
The Heroes Around Me: Hope, heartache, and an unforgettable Kimimi published a supporter-only post on Ko-fi!
begging to one day we move beyond "fairy" as a translation for xian.
It's been fantastic to see Asian inspired fantasy works becoming more popular in Anglophone media, we may need to reconsider how some concepts have been represented. On fairies and China: #culture
Fairies in China?! Earlier this year, I was invited as a speaker to a fantastic convention called Writing the Occult, which I greatly enjoyed. As a Chinese cultural writer, and translator, curator of an imminently pu…
Genshin impact is adding a new region inspired by …South America ? Australia ? And the three characters in the preview were all white I wrote about the politics of this a few years ago when sumeru dropped for Polygon
As it adds new regions, Genshin Impact’s politics only get The game’s depictions of real-world locations and cultures are uneven
The enterprising 摆渡人 Ferryman Funeral Services in Shanghai opened their own range of cafes, where guests could have a drink while arranging ceremonies, or just share death-related stories. Considering how inauspicious anything related to death is in Chinese culture, this has been controversial. 1/
Speaking of non-work personal interests: one of mine is BOARD GAMING. I've created two custom feeds. Both pick up hashtags & keywords. Women In Gaming looks for these search criteria in posts from a curated list of women in the board gaming industry. Board Gaming Women in Board Gaming
We're just a little over a month out from my little queer romantasy becoming a real book! We're recording the audiobook right now! I'm working on Book III! But most importantly, the elevator pitch:
Daily bunny no.2534 is still searching for land
Word of mouth drives sales. WORD OF MOUTH DRIVES SALES.
A conversation on our Discord has prompted me to say again: remember, y'all, what really sells books is not the author talking about their work, but *readers* talking about it. Word of mouth drives far more sales than advertising or any other engine. So if you loved a book, tell your friends!
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
hey folks, I'm taking part in a Poets Against Empire event with Jane Shi and Sinan Antoon to fundraise for families in Gaza. You can find more info here: