
Current estimates say that every prompt you give a generative "AI" system— not each session, every PROMPT— is like pouring a 16 oz bottle of water onto the ground. This is a fact that goes somewhere in every talk i give, now, & i always see audience members looking it up… and then looking horrified
Annoyed by articles that go into great detail about what companies say they're doing with so-called "A.I." but do not ask what companies are doing about the technology's ecological impact.
Now for ChatGPT in specific it can range anywhere from 5 questions to 50 to hit that level of water consumption; depends on the density of representation of associated tokens in the training data (how much it's been trained on stuff connected to your prompt); but before you think "maybe not so bad"…
…stop a sec to remember how ChatGPT is being woven into the bachground functionality of EVERY Microsoft product, such that it may well basically ALWAYS BE RUNNING.
If the estimates are right, it puts water consumption of chat gpt for one month at greater than the city of Atlanta's water consumption for a YEAR.
We're not just talking about water for cooling servers, people. You need water to turn into steam to run turbines, too, and the more energy you need, the more water you use for that process.
I knew this, but holy shit anyway.
I mean fuck LLMs and all, but this isn't the most compelling argument. According these figures, each LLM query takes about 1/100th of a percent of a household's daily energy usage. So if you remember turn off the garage light before you ask it to ruin your lasagna, you'll come out ahead.
Sure, but what about all that wasted energy- about 500x the cost of the LLM query - used in cooking that inedible lasagna? Or driving to the ER after, God forbid, eating the lasagna? Consequences!
also, to be fair, you have to compare against the energy it would have taken you to search for a lasagna recipe and scroll past all the ads for diets, drugs and dictators (and the heartwarming story of that one golden autumn in Bologna)
BTW, I have been greatly enjoying your book!
Why on earth would you ask ai for a recipe? We've had those on books and websites written by people who are paid and have taste buds for like ever!!
I recently listened to a podcast where they were arguing ChatGPT was good as it helped students draft letters or emails. FFS there are templates ppl can use without scorching the planet.
I've gotten lazy and tend to use search engines to find recipes (DDG most of the time), and even then I usually have to look at 2-3 to compare them; asking ChatGPT for the One Perfect Lasagna Recipe when it doesn't know what food, lasagna, meat, cheese, or veggies are sounds kind of dumb.
because we are heading rapidly toward a future when tools like chatgpt outright replace search engines, and lest you think I'm kidding, I spend a LOT of time talking to undergrads and the use of chatgpt and google seems, at least at first blush, to be approaching parity.
That's it. They already are replacing. I saw this looking for something on Facebook. It's really complicating what used to be a straightforward process.
No it's fine, I see myself as the boomer or gen x comfortable with CDs or records. Like I can solve all of my problems so sometimes new things sound outlandish I'm not against ai but it's high power consumption to me makes me feel like it should be restricted to only scientific fields at this point
Not only that, but the other day I was looking for a recipe on google and accidentally ended up on a site that posted ChatGPT created recipes. It had this human added disclaimer at the end of it that "we can't know if ChatGPT recipes are safe for consumption, use your best judgement."
Oh FFS. "For entertainment purposes only."
don't have a choice any more, every search engine top-of-pages an ai response these days
I mean that's still different from actively asking chatgpt, even though you're getting ai results
For something that is literally a solution in search of a problem! I get that all infrastructure uses water even if only bc it uses power, but this stuff isn't even useful.
A solution in search of a problem is such a good description
“But think of all the green jobs this will create!”
I was fine with the old search engines.
They were better. We still need to get very serious very fast about energy computing, but "AI" searching is for shit compared to Google from just a few years ago.
It's like copiers that argue with you that you don't have the right size paper or whatever, and want to negotiate about shrinking to fit or rotating. Back in the day copiers just put what they saw onto whatever paper they had, and it was on you to get it right. I preferred that.
Yes. Agreed. It's one thing to have a zoom function. It's an other for it to guess and get it so consistently wrong. This is I'd say 1/3 of the problem.
I don't think it's going to be around in 2026 hahah
Once again, tech shows us what happens when you let your contempt for others, and your unloveability guide your designs. They want a machine that will give them what they could already have if they would bother to invest any energy at all into relationships with other people.
Same thing with google. And social media, and light bulbs. We really need to do better when it comes to using so much electricity.
We do, but I think an easy first step is not wasting so much on silicon valley tech scams.
It wouldn’t be as much of an issue if we were a smart species and used all the free energy that quite literally falls out of the sky every single day. But no, let’s keep burning rocks we have to dig out of the ground instead, makes perfect sense.
Are… are people asking that piece of shit for food? Like… for their bodies?
i asked it if mary shelley was a fujoshi
Fantastic. What did it say?
It gave me yet another example of how inaccurate these services are. Mary Shelley is a known fujoshi.
the environmental impact of this bit is why my entire state will be underwater in my lifetime.
I didn't know that about Mary Shelley. Interesting!
She married Bottom of Note Percy Shelley. Look at this twink.
Didn't worry, we can just ask ChatGPT 5 how to reverse anthropogenic climate change
Who is paying for all that power? I bet chatgtp will become a subscription model eventually, and expensive too.
Oh definitely. It's a lost leader for now. They'll jack it up as soon and the think people are reliant on it.
Does the recipe include meat or is it meatless?
Exactly. It takes an incredibly selective myopia to discuss the energy consumption of baking without the oven.
Ok, but how much energy if I call my mom and she reads me the recipe over the phone as I write it down?
All this energy could be put to a more productive use. Like cooking lasagna.
Where are the EPA regulators???
Fighting lawsuits about whether it's constitutional for them to have any legal authority.
well yeah cause its 195M queries. i'm not making that many different lasagnes. (i still wont ask it because the answer will suck but the power consumption of inference isn't what people on here make it out to be)