
I am convinced that the worst thing about the internet is that it allowed people who historically would have been considered the worst person in town and totally ostracized for their perpetual bad vibes and opinions to find out that they have thousands of global allies and after that it was so over.
Totally enabled the rightfully marginalized.
Come on, the people who would have been ostracized from these towns are freaks and queers, not fascist demagogs. You ever been to a small town?
Yeah. These people have been saying this shit at dinner parties behind closed doors for centuries. The new thing is that we can see what they believe.
You mean Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Trump, Putin? These types of people?
hitler trump and putin in the same sentence while biden and netanyahu are actively carrying out a genocide? 😀
I didn't list everyone... it would be a long list.
Everyone can find someone who agrees with them + confirmation bias = bad
By your logic, anyone can believe their ego is telling them the truth and know inherently otherwise, and still make the same bad choices.
Sometimes playing by the rules breaks other rules.
If you're doing bad math more often, doing bad math you have to choose to do on purpose.
And doing that bad math, you get the poor results as before.
Sure, you can do that, but, that's not how to solve it realistically. That's paralysis, hypnogogia, and people being people making poor assumptions. Then jumping to conclusions from their assumptions and believing such to add up to reality.
That's overse to solving the symptom of the problem.
Most of the ppl from my small hometown who have become vocally shitty online are ppl who I knew to get together and be shitty in person … just with each other in private. They absolutely weren’t, however, ostracized in the community.
I think part of the whole “unfriending/blocking someone on social media is taboo”, has a lot to do with how things got this way out in the open.
They need to be contained to a single location like a virus.
Bring back running people out of town on rails.
About 15 years ago 4chan and Tumblr spilled out into the wider internet around the same time that more average folks started getting social media accounts.
We've honestly never recovered. Seeing a Pepe at the trump rally was comparable to seeing bannermen for the apocalypse.
Yep. Marginalized people found each other and so did all the a-holes and bigots.
Social media is bypassing a critical function of societies. Filtering out the fringes.....
Also they used to have to voice that shit IRL where they would get their asses kicked, instead of behind a safe screen with a Punisher skull instead of a bio pic.
"The Internet lets anybody in the world talk to anybody else in the world! Yay!" "Wow! There sure are a lot of people I don't want talking to me!"
Agreed but the extreme right was organizing online by the mid 1980s. It is also the BEST thing about the internet is that it allowed marginalized people to organize
“I’m kind of a big deal. I have 250,000 followers on Viid.” “Viid?” “Villageidiots.”
I read a good essay - where was it? GQ? Rolling Stone? 15 or so years ago that said exactly this.
Pessimistically, i feel this. Optimistically, they are outing themselves as awful so we can wall up their little gated community and bury it under the desert.
It expediated the process for a LOT of social phenomena. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It's kind of like an accelerationist's wet dream. Which says more about accelerationists than could really be written in any academic journal.
This is so incredibly apt.
Sounds like somebody isn't fluent in sarcasm and resents it.
Also, instead of being interrupted, booed to silence or subjected to an automatic vibecheck and promptly discarded, they get to share their dogshit takes in full, in a way that's visually indistinct from non-dogshit takes
So true. And everything good became more difficult.
Yep. All the town idiots have found a way to validate their hate together in one big happy internet club.
At my small college’s newspaper in the early 90s, we regularly got the stereotypical crackpot letters typed on onion-skin paper. These cranks weren’t students. They weren’t even local. You’re right: they were limited to that, along with shitty populist-conspiratorial local a.m. radio, pre-Limbaugh.
This guy wrote us a lot. He hectored other papers, too—here, the Baltimore Afro-American in 1988. Sometimes, if we needed filler, we’d put his shit in the letters section. Even as a young GOP douche, I thought the dude was a crank. Now, he’d be on YouTube, X, a schoolboard, a Senate Committee.
This is so ahistorical I don't even know where to start
Problem compounded by the human tendency to incorrectly extrapolate from "these few people agree with me" to "most people (must) agree with me"
Yep! I keep telling people the internet allowed the Village Idiots to unionize
We made a global village of idiots
This a trillion times over. I keep saying, before seedy chat groups bonding together over twisted ideas, everyone knew who the sicko was in the neighborhood…and everyone stayed away from them! They were relegated to their basement, lived with their mom through adulthood and couldn’t buy a gun.
From 72 years of life, and 33 online, I am pretty sure you're overly optimistic about the pre-online age; I know one thing: the sickos who molested children were widely known by children but not discussed or outed by anyone. They didn't have international circles making & trading CSA materials.
It’s both. I wasn’t saying that didn’t exist.
The village dumbass has views on EVERYTHING. I have knowledge in certain areas but most of the time on the internet there is always a smarter person than I- so I bow to their expertise.