πŸ”ž Ocean Sun πŸ”ž

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πŸ”ž Ocean Sun πŸ”ž



Jew for Palestine.

I have a fucking AESTHETIC to uphold and I can't figure out what it is.

Originally from St. Olaf but live in Hell now.

Lead Editor at the New York Times
Without downloading new pics what is it like to date you?
Without downloading new pics, what is it like to date you?
"Stop trauma dumping" bitch I'm talking about my childhood. I has a traumatic childhood. If you don't wanna hear about it, don't talk to me.
I think the fact is vivziepop is actually at least a little fatphobic but I don't believe she intends to be. And when you encounter someone like that, the best course of action is open dialogue. Not outright cancellation. Think of Tolkien for example. He had some pretty antisemitic stuff in his
gay men: *start saying bussy* straight people a decade later: we created this 5 years ago
Stay hydrated if you have to be outside in the heat, friends. Don't ignore your body's signals! You need more fluids than you think you do. ❀️
Hydrate or die straight Especially in the heat this week
I remember in like 2014ish, some dude posted on social media about how there's no blue on any mammal and I said "What about mandrills?" And he was like that's a bird and I posted a pic of a mandrill and he said "That's photoshopped." Lmao. Google mandrills. They're what Rafiki from TLK is.
Every character in harry potter is the villain actually
the correct response to cops remains the same.
Today I learned that this is one of the official stickers available in Microsoft Teams
Just thought everyone might like to see Alex Jones weeping.
People: oh my mom was young when she had me its wild she decided to gave kids at 30. Me: what the fuck are you talking about that's not young to have kids P: oh yeah well how old was your mom? Me: 22!!! P: that's TOO young wtf Me: you maybe need to stop getting high.
Any 90s show about living as a working class regular person in NYC renting an apartment: *has an apartment bigger than the midwestern home I grew up in. Me, as a kid in the 90s: wow rent must be super cheap in new york city Me now: rent isn't cheap anywhere. But at least NYC has rent control.
With Farage back on the campaign trail, I wonder if we'll see the resurgence of the devastating 'milkshake attack'? Not seen in these parts for about 5 years.
Alt text for our visually impaired friends here!
People, kids and teenagers as well, don't dream anymore. And that's fucking sad as hell. Y'all have made life so boring and sanitized. You've removed any ability for people to hope and dream. That's awful.
People need to be exposed to weird things. I'm not even saying weird sexually. Just things that make them uncomfortable in small ways. In ways they don't understand right away. It makes people more tolerant of things that aren't carbon copies of themselves. And yes, that's GOOD.
It is really fucked up that my worst grandparent ended up living longer than the rest of them. For clarity, my grandma on my dad's side was well loved by a great many people and even though I was different and she didn't understand me, she loved me. My grandfather on that side was not great
I’d like to dispute the basis of this kind of meme: it isn’t that there are no longer 30 year olds who look like this, they just aren’t permitted to be on tv or in movies anymore
The difference between grape flavoring and cherry flavoring is that oftentimes cherry flavor isn't reminiscent of cough syrup (yes sometimes it is but not always)but I cannot have anything grape flavored without being gagged by how cough syrupy it is.
I wish there were more silly edgy (not gross edgy) gamers that were entertaining and not into defending pedo shit. Like I'm totally down to make dick jokes for 7 hours but I am not okay with you blaming the actions of a pedo on the child he predated upon.
reminder: Harry Potter tattoos have a higher regret rate than trans surgeries and that's very funny actually
if yr finding a 30+ big titty goth gf you rly do have to be careful if she's cis that she's not hiding a deathly hallows tattoo somewhere, sad but true, stay safe out there ladies
Google's AI can pull together nouns that frequently appear in proximity, but it can't tell the relationship between them. "Abraham Lincoln" and "13th Amendment" often appear together and Amendments are often said to be "crafted," so the algorithm assumes that history is like math.
Buy and learn how to use a gun, Fellow Workers.
If you can be "pedo baited", you're a pedo. It doesn't matter if you are autistic. I am autistic. Yes, people have tried and you know what I said "You seem great but I absolutely will not engage in that behavior with you. Do not ask again or I will block you." It's simple.