Patrick Brennan

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Patrick Brennan

Apprentice Greybeard. Aspiring Playwright. Wannabe Gamedev.
Useless fandom thoughts: For many years I have pondered why the Farscape writers never followed up on the fact that Rygel farts helium. The only way that would be possible is if there is fusion going on inside his guts.
I thought the correct form of address was Oi Ya Toff Cunt
fat stupid lazy men, who inherited their money and never bothered to improve themselves with all the advantages they were born with, have always and will always try to tear down democracy, because earned power attached to accountability is something they can't abide
When this inevitably lands at the SCROTUS, it'll be just perfect to have the opinion written by Neil "You Deserve to Freeze in Your Employer's Truck" Gorsuch, as a delightful bookend to his other opinion regarding how workers have no right to live.
I wrote for More Perfect Union about the Biden administrations proposal to implement new protections for workers who are agonizing under extreme heat.
Biden Proposes Protecting Workers from Extreme Heat and Their Own State “This regulation will save lives,” one union leader said.
Just your periodic reminder that reality is that which is true regardless of whether you believe it, or even want it to be true.
It's disheartening to see the world not just ignoring all the important lessons of the 20th century, but actively embracing all the terrible ideas that turned out to be so costly to so many lives, and rejecting the systems that were put in place to prevent a repeat of that terrible experience.
It's shocking how explicitly fascist the reasoning and language of the trump immunity ruling is. It excuses lawbreaking for the sake of having a strongman. Don't take my word for it, read it.
hey, in order to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed" sometimes you just have to break them, am i right?
I'm not a lawyer or a constitutional scholar, but even I always knew that "originalism" was a crock of shit, and now it's clear as day.
"the president is fully bound by the law... . . . . but the law says he can do whatever he wants."
me: but in high school civics class we were taught that no one is above the law, not even the - SCROTUS: yeah no lol, president is KING now, sucker me: so biden could just refuse to leave the white house - SCROTUS: yeah no lol, only republican president, sucker
It seems perverse to me to call any of the six radical Republicans on the Supreme Court "Justice", since they have all unambiguously demonstrated that serving Justice is not at all what they are interested in doing.
If a Democratic President had done what trump did, they'd already be two years into their prison sentence, with this court's blessing, and we all know it.
shove your balls and strikes up your ass you fucking fascist
On the same morning, the Court said: 1) We should not presume to know more than small town mayors regarding complex, technical questions like whether to arrest people for being poor. 2) I don't see why a "PhD" in "nuclear physics" should have any latitude to implement ambiguous energy rules.
It seems perverse to me to call any of the six radical Republicans on the Supreme Court "Justice", since they have all unambiguously demonstrated that serving Justice is not at all what they are interested in doing.
It's not a bribe, it's a gratuity! Like you give your waiter for being prompt and efficient with your order, or to a public official when they give your business a lucrative contract.
Happy 9th Anniversary of Marriage Equality in the United States! We stand for the Flag! We continue to fight for Equality for All!
Silver lining re the current "AI" hype cycle: most, maybe all, of the Singularity Rapturists have identified themselves. They soooo wanted this to be the end of history! Keep good notes and avoid magical thinkers in the (real) future.
I am sure there are some trump-branded waterfront condos for sale in Miami. Get going, MAGAs! Those dollars aren't gonna put themselves in trump's pocket!
Miami Is Entering a State of No amount of adaptation to climate change can fix Miami’s water problems.
In Landmark Ruling and Ultimate Triumph of Conservative "Originalist" Doctrine, Supreme Court Rules That Nothing After 1791 Counts; Ruling Is Unanimous At 4 3/5-0.
Supreme Court reaffirms 8-1 that anyone who thought Homelander was the hero is prohibited from purchasing firearms; Thomas holds out in lone dissent.