

This is way better than Twitter.
Reposted by Patrik
Reposted by Patrik
Reposted by Patrik
My most unhinged belief, that I will defend to the death, you ask? Easy. It should be illegal to mow, landscape, or water golf courses. You should have to play in whatever the natural landscape of the area is. Through an RFID chip in the ball and aim for the clear patches, you cowards.
Reposted by Patrik
A flashing MIL (the technical term, malfunction indicator lamp) generally means the engine is running extremely poorly. Constant misfires, fuel trim way out of whack, or other scenarios where the computer thinks expensive damage is imminent will elevate it to flashing status. So don't ignore that!
Reposted by Patrik
twitter users stone age in 2023 hunter-gatherers 🤝 mastodon attempt failed, turned to sky worship for sustenance
Reposted by Patrik
With all of us coming here to Bluesky, we are all essentially hitting a big reset button. Twitter promoted a lot of toxic unhealthy traits in the pursuit for clout thanks to its awful algorithm. Here, those toxic fucks don't have an algorithm to push their bullshit. This is a huge chance for us.
Reposted by Patrik
This is wild: a nearly extinct variety grown primarily by former slaves that was brought back from the brink after a chance find of six decade old seeds in a freezer!
The fish pepper is one of those stories that seems too good to be true: an almost-disappeared foodstuff is brought back from the brink and makes an incredible recovery. It doesn't hurt that it's fun to cook with. Anyway, I wrote about its history here.
The US pepper that was nearly Once grown almost solely by enslaved people, the fish pepper was nearly lost forever until a chance find in a freezer revived the plant and it's now more popular than ever.
Reposted by Patrik
Shoot jk rowling into space call that astroterf
End of feed.