
Just read a Telegraph op-ed claiming the Tories lost because they were too far left, and I have a feeling that is the narrative we will hear more of over the coming years.
Some TV commentators shared the same opinion. Too kind, too woke, too socialist.
It's funny, but also, frightening. What would a Tory party in line with their desires look like?
Andrea Leadsom said on the BBC last night that the party had done too many Woke things. Madness.
The "people of Silverstone told her" that they weren't right wing enough. That'll be the sex pest sport car man and his wife Fascist Spice.
I heard her say that. I’m speechless
'woke National Service' in particular
I think they just became addicted to power and control and the wealth that flows from wielding it. They don't have 'desires' beyond that. It'll take a generation for them to wean themselves off that drug. Hella drug.
Thanks to decades of right-wing media no one knows where the centre is anymore. I used to call myself liberal, now I feel like I'm somewhere left of Trotsky.
Overton window hurtling to the right over the past decade definitely helps that feeling
They were none of those things. Delusional. They won't be able to out-flank Reform, but they'll collapse the party trying.
Some other commentators (C4 I believe) saw this coming and commented that if they really think that they're doomed to oblivion.
Well, no; look at Reform (i guarantee you the Tories are), and imagine them following down that road and becoming a full-throated party of bigotry, running against Macron-style centrist austerity at the next GE. It’s a frightening prospect.
David Bull is a man to watch. Lacks Farage’s smarminess.
The Telegraph is ideological pornography for uptight, upper middle-class, right-wing tossers. Admittedly, about two decades ago, I did quite enjoy their obituaries, but I was a callow young man at the time.
Conservatism cannot fail, only be failed! *sigh*
Friend of mine was talking to her boss, CEO of a telecoms provider & a Telegraph reader, who mentioned the Times for some reason then immediately clarified "I know they're to the left". Boomers have been lecturing the rest of us about woke echo chambers for years now, but... 🤷
Nice. Because Labour victory "confirms" that Labour must go right to win (as in "Corbyn lost because he was too much on the left") and so *both* parties will go even more on the right. Good luck.
This is how it works. The ratchet only tightens in one direction.
One could almost think this is done on purpose...
The right wing commentariat, are so high with huffing their own farts, they live in a bubble more isolated than the Westminister bubble.- A bunch of privately educated tossers, who believe they are ordained by the British Class system to dictate the issues of the day
How can that even remotely be a narrative that will stand up?
If you believe in zero immigration, zero tolerance for 'woke' and Full English Brexit, then the Tories are on the left. These people are not remotely living in the same world as us.
Didn’t that rightist Reform wing take over a lot of the conventional Tory vote (what’s left of it)? It sounds like the same fascist-purification death spiral that’s happened to the GOP in California & a couple of other blue states. (With those same claims still made so yes, you’ll hear it a lot.)
If there’s ever a particularly good day to avoid reading the DT, today is probably it…
I’m really interested in seeing how they analyse their failures. Not seeing much evidence of soul-searching.
It’s way too early for that, even if we know the answer already - Turn Right Harder 🤷‍♂️
Good. Let them dig themselves ever deeper into an unelectable niche.
I wish I shared your belief that being far right = unelectable
Agreed not entirely unelectable but I can’t see them getting anywhere even close to a parliamentary majority with a lurch to the right. Yesterday proved that and even with the Tories in utter disarray, Reform’s “breakthrough” was pitifully small.
It always starts small. I hope you are right but global tendencies are going in a very bad direction
In 1921 the Italian political elections returned only 35 fascist MP (out of 535). 3 years later the fascists took power. Yes, it can start slow…
I will keep my faith in the self-destructive power of self-aggrandising arseholes who aren’t in it for the ideology but are in it for the grift. Reform will eat itself, rebrand, rinse and repeat.
It’ll end small thanks to the quality (or lack thereof) of who actually broke through. If Labour follow through on lowering the voting age to 16, we’ll be set.
The combined Tory / Farage vote share was 38%+ , Labour took 34%. The electoral system, rather than the actual votes cast, is what swept Labour to power. If the Tories embrace Farage and "unite the right" then there's nothing to prevent it doing the same for them in future.
Your assumption that uniting with Farage wouldn’t cause the moderate Conservative vote to collapse and go elsewhere. It is not a homogenous block simply to add to Farage’s support which itself was inflated by punitive protest voting that could not be relied upon to repeat in different circumstances
I take that point, but think the bulk of moderate Conservative voters have already deserted them. My fear is they might complete the purge and merge with Farage to form a belligerent hard right nativist party that just might be able to take power when Labour fall out of favour.