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Socialist in Boston. Digital comms director for Mayor Michelle Wu. Markey 2020 digital. Had a lot of fun biking across the US he/him
Reposted byAvatar Paul
This seems like a grim natural experiment to show that access to mental health services isn't going to neutralize access to guns when it comes to controlling violence
Jesus, both of Thomas Matthew Crooks' parents are licensed professional counselors. "The AR-15 rifle Crooks used was one of more than a dozen registered to and legally purchased by his father, with whom he often went to the shooting range, officials said."
Reposted byAvatar Paul
Reposted byAvatar Paul
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thinking about how that photo of the deceased shooter moved from secret service guys phone to the whole internet in 20 minutes
forget what I thought about local PD at the building... there were 3 secret service inside of it who saw Crooks with a backpack and rangefinder, radioed about him, and didn't do anything
what I'm interpreting from videos/reporting: secret service has local PD cover perimeter/building. Crooks is seen acting strange near entrance, then climbs roof (where were PD?), people call out "he has a gun," PD climbs ladder and retreats. snipers drawn to commotion but not shooter until he fires
This Lego set is for adults only 🔞
Reposted byAvatar Paul
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
Reposted byAvatar Paul
I spent about an hour on MAGA twitter and it is notable how taken for granted it is that "they" are responsible for what Thomas Michael Crooks did. For some, the "they" is the deep state. Or it's the DEI-infected Secret Service. Or its the Lincoln Project. Or MSNBC. Or it's the media in general.
what I'm interpreting from videos/reporting: secret service has local PD cover perimeter/building. Crooks is seen acting strange near entrance, then climbs roof (where were PD?), people call out "he has a gun," PD climbs ladder and retreats. snipers drawn to commotion but not shooter until he fires
Going to providence today, listening to AOC on Bernie’s podcast from a few weeks ago. Hearing her talk about volunteering for his Bronx event in 2016. Something positive to think about
Waking up on the edge of the cliff again
Reposted byAvatar Paul
Need to make sure every filthy, violence-inspiring minute is televised for the world to see:
The RNC is going to be an absolutely deranged orgy of bloodlust and frantic, wild-eyed circle-jerking over the prospect of being able to murder and terrorize vast numbers of Americans, with Supreme Court blessing. This is not going to be *attractive* to a lot of non-insane voters, I’m guessing.
Reposted byAvatar Paul
I’m convinced that the stress of the last 8 years has taken years off of all of our lives.
Secret service failure like no one could imagine
This country is hanging on by a fucking thread
Reposted byAvatar Paul
In order to appease the racists who tried to smear two flight attendants for wearing Palestinian flag pins, Delta is now disallowing any national pin from being worn except for American ones.
Reposted byAvatar Paul
The UK transphobia insanity is a peek into what a lot of people at the top of the US media hierarchy want to achieve (dictating national policy via the group chat with your tiny circle of identically fanatical and resentful little friends in media and politics)
The central core of UK transphobia is a knot of media and legal types who all went to the same schools, all know one another and all go to the same dinner parties (and boozy lunches as she who must not be named keeps putting up pictures). It works along the old school ties lines
Reposted byAvatar Paul
You see Trump’s face when Biden started speaking at that debate? Man was stunned Biden was that bad, knew he had the whole thing in the bag Then the 10 days of silence from Trump, smartest and most disciplined play he’s made in years. He wants Biden to stay in this race badly
If you bring your hedgehog to every zoom call eventually she’s gonna pee and poop on you
Reposted byAvatar Paul
I feel so bad for people in Houston, man
Fucked up chargers you have to turn around twice
It’s cool they give the asl interpreter a gaming chair
An hour late, first press conference this year
Just what the hell is going on