Pearl River Flow

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Pearl River Flow

Self-employed unpaid intern. Tweets do not represent the views of my employer.
See pictures of SWAMP TRASH here!
Got hurt really badly playing peekaboo tonight. They put me in the ICU.
video games actually come at three price points these days: $20-30 — a video game that costs $20 or $30 $60-70 — $60 to $150, depending on how many missing pieces there are $0 — you will be relentlessly punished until you give them at least $500
The way magic has worked in D&D IRKS me. That might be a good addition to the bag of tricks. I once used a "mind points" system where players could use various ways to get them back. Huffing a tank full of magic ether that made you stupid was one, so we had gnome wizard Frank Booth from Blue Velvet.
On the subject of Elon moving more of his Heinlein-on-ketamine empire to Texas, here's an insightful take by the conservation writer Michelle Nijhuis launching her new newsletter (and generously talking up some of the work we're doing here):
Elon vs. the And an introduction to Conservation Works.
The emperor sets all his tweets to "Everybody can reply," as a matter of ancient custom. This, of course, does not mean you should reply to him. There are formalities to be observed.
It was the Fredst of times, it was the Durst of times
It's great! I also can't help but feel like it's part of the "8 episodes every two years" phenomenon - have to jam pack everything with a neat "thing happened, here's the consequence" jolt to keep us going like we're getting plots wrapped up and resolved
There's nothing in the Constitution which says that every four years we can't choose one justice by lot and sacrifice them to the sun god Belenos
I was thinking about how EVERYTHING smelled like cigarettes when you went out and we just DIDN'T NOTICE until it was gone. It'll be like that. Come home angry about The Floor Had Gender and your wife will know you've been on some weird forum.
In the 2040s we'll look back at 2004-2024 as a golden age of posting. Nostalgia will depict us all at phones and keyboards happy in The Discourse. Those of us from Now will know that it was suffused with Poster's Madness, secondhand Being Mad Online poisoning us all, a smoky 90's bar of the mind.
are you okay babe you’ve hardly touched my hyper specific niche meme
All Cops Are Bad at their jobs
Local police who were assigned by the Secret Service to help spot threats in the crowd at Donald Trump’s rally Saturday were inside the building where a gunman positioned himself on the roof to shoot at the former president.
Police snipers were inside building as Trump rally shooter fired from roof The Washington Post reported in a video analysis Monday that bystanders at the Trump rally in Butler, Pa., warned local police that they had seen a man clambering onto the roof of the building.
"Why's he all wet? Is that oil? Haley Joel Osment you stop this right now!"
Remember, kids — there’s nothing “skibidi” about organ failure.
anybody need any New Yawk
new york store, lake huntington, new york, 1978
I'm imagining Trump falling back into 2020 habits and demanding the crowd hang Vance for not stopping it. While he's standing right there.
It's really inconsistent to measure your height from the ground, since not all ground is at the same elevation. You need to measure your height from sea level so as to use a static reference point. This is why people from Colorado are the tallest in the country
it's like a video game city full of buildings but only three of them have doors you can open
CVS’s strategy of “not carrying any products you need except the things that are locked away, but there are no actual employees working who can unlock those products for you” is an interesting one, but I have to respect it for its ingenuity
Once again thinking about Cahokia. Getting thousands of people to converge on one site to work earth. Timing their journeys with the seasons. Long journeys which would have been by river. Then dispersing.
Was reading about the river travel systems and Cahokia earlier this month, then got into the part in "The Dawn of Everything" about how Americans might have been purposefully rejecting the hierarchies of that era for hundreds of years
when you love them enough to give them the very best: Goo!
and that's EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS ON THE SHOW. Even their big dumb Plot A Thing that's always threatening the galaxy gets chopped up into those little nuggets
fun fact: this was a 1 digit difference from my home phone growing up, and it was an easy one to miss, so we'd get phone calls at like 3 AM, just silence, someone waiting. I developed a good "English lady robot" voice to mess with them. "It is now 80 o'clock and 430 degrees."
I shit you not. There used to be a phone number you could call to get the time and temperature