The Bug Sex Lady

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The Bug Sex Lady

(she/they) veterinary student, LGBT enthusiast, rabbit enthusiast, bug enthusiast. Burgeoning wildlife photographer. Keep your cats indoors

Proud mother of a blood sucker

Bluesky's preeminent Bug Sex connoisseur
The colors on this guy are downright ridiculous 🍄📷
I feel like you’re eyeballing me, dog (He seemed to say, just before he attacked my camera) 😂📸🪶
"The rabbits of Porto Santo... ate not only the crops but just about everything gnawable." Many such cases
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
I can't believe I forgot the #BugSex hashtag. Please be advised that there are a lot of bugs making more bugs in this video! lol
Please join me for 2 minutes at my local creek which is filled with quiet nature happenings. There are damselflies and dragonflies laying eggs, tadpoles with a big meal, fish, a bird bathing and so much more. 🌿 🧪 #invertebrates #birds #herps
Down By the There are so many interesting things happening down by the creek in summer. There are birds, dragonflies, damselflies, butterflies, water striders, fish and ...
An archeologist comes home after a long day of figuring out the age of skeletons at a recent dig site; and sees her boyfriend fuming, packing his clothes. "I'm leaving you! And I'm never coming back!" She asks him what this is all about. "Don't play dumb, I heard you've been dating other people"
I just had to gently but firmly correct someone who got mad at me for "nitpicking" and clarify that what I was actually doing was being pedantic
The "heads I win/tails you lose" situation we find ourselves in now could have been completely avoided if the DNC had chosen literally any other candidate to throw its weight behind in the 2020 primaries.
My sister (British Green) wonders why Biden can't just step down, and that made me game this out: 1. Biden drops out. 2. Media story: "then you aren't fit to be President!" He resigns and Harris takes over. 3. New media story/House impeachment: how long has WH covered this up? . . . President Trump.
Really nice circumhorizonal arc today! Similar to a rainbow, light from the Sun is refracted by ice in citrus clouds, and the geometry forms a straight line above the horizon.
friendly reminder to stop and smell the flowers, touch some grass, look for bugs, admire the bugs, get to know the bugs, fall in love with the bugs, marry the—
I may have had some fun getting weird angles of the mating damselflies #invertebrates 🌿 #DamselflyJuly
Look at this gorgeousness I saw today! There were at least 6 pairs of damselflies mating together at my local creek. I adore this shade of blue and it was so cool to see that many together! It's #DamselflyJuly!! #invertebrates 🌿
I just had to gently but firmly correct someone who got mad at me for "nitpicking" and clarify that what I was actually doing was being pedantic
A pair of spotted Towhees singing and foraging along the Grand View trail in Palmer Park, Colorado Springs.
Instinct is really overrated, the best decisions always result from careful reasoning and analysis. Let us consider that fearsome beast running towards us. Are those gnashing teeth it has? Can we identify a hunger in its eyes? How should we react t-
Women hold up half the world, it's true. But in recent years men have been slacking and holding up slightly less than half the world. Which is part of the reason we've been seeing issues with rising sea levels
An archeologist comes home after a long day of figuring out the age of skeletons at a recent dig site; and sees her boyfriend fuming, packing his clothes. "I'm leaving you! And I'm never coming back!" She asks him what this is all about. "Don't play dumb, I heard you've been dating other people"
Women hold up half the world, it's true. But in recent years men have been slacking and holding up slightly less than half the world. Which is part of the reason we've been seeing issues with rising sea levels
I've said it before and I'll say it again: stale popcorn is incredibly underrated
People always say "don't beat yourself up when you do something wrong, just learn from it and do better next time!" But they don't tell you about the secret third option: learning from it and doing better while ALSO beating yourself up over it
Look at this gorgeousness I saw today! There were at least 6 pairs of damselflies mating together at my local creek. I adore this shade of blue and it was so cool to see that many together! It's #DamselflyJuly!! #invertebrates 🌿
Hazelnut Spirit Sketch The sudden appearance of a fantasy creature among my animal creatures! #verbrannt74 #sketch
Birds Feed! 🪶 today calls for some bald eagle photos! Bring out your eagles (or other raptors if the baldies aren’t in your portfolio) 🦅🌿
Instinct is really overrated, the best decisions always result from careful reasoning and analysis. Let us consider that fearsome beast running towards us. Are those gnashing teeth it has? Can we identify a hunger in its eyes? How should we react t-
What gives me hope are the normal people trying to save things. People running for school board against moms for liberty freaks, college kids protesting, local newsrooms investigating corruption etc. They inspire but also make me pissed off at the powerful people/institutions that won’t defend them
Does anyone know if Literary Review is ever going to resume the Bad Sex in Fiction awards? I'm actually going to be so sad if they never do another one
Also: if your unvaccinated pet gets bitten/exposed by a rabid animal, they are legally required to be euthanized and tested (the only definitive test for rabies requires brain tissue, and therefore requires the animal to be dead). Vaccinated pets that get exposed just need quarantine
Reminder that if you contract rabies, you are dead. If your pet contracts rabies, they are dead. Full stop. It really doesn't matter how prevalent rabies cases are in your locality because any risk is too much risk when we have an effective (and safe!!!) vaccine
Reminder that if you contract rabies, you are dead. If your pet contracts rabies, they are dead. Full stop. It really doesn't matter how prevalent rabies cases are in your locality because any risk is too much risk when we have an effective (and safe!!!) vaccine