
Because as is well known, the first American Revolution was fought against the tyranny of faculty senates. (Read the transcript in the link.)
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
It is remarkable to me that when they ever deign to name a specific complaint that requires them to overthrow American society (ie, a “revolution”) it’s always something like faculty senates or website DEI statements or calorie counts on menus.
John Eastman gave a long interview to the pres of Claremont College explaining why his attempts to overthrow the 2020 election were perfectly legal and when finally asked why it was necessary to do that he said something like, “Well, they’re teaching kids they can be any gender they want!”
Also, I will donate $500 to the Heritage Foundation if this historian of the early Republic ever once argued for the necessity of or even mentioned “presidential immunity” before Donald Trump made it up.
Correct. It is not only nowhere in founding materials, denying immunity to the head of state also was a cause of the 1688 English revolution.
This probably isn't news to you, but I'm told that a bunch of hard-core conservatives have been firmly in favor of this ever since Nixon said, "when the President does it, that means that it is not illegal", because they see the Watergate scandal as an unjustified attack on a noble President.
Not prosecuting Nixon for treason was a massive massive mistake.
To no one’s shock, he misapplies (lies, turns to propaganda) the federalist papers to his argument, specifically federalist 70…
Yes; Fed 70 is almost entirely about why we shouldn't have a plural presidency. I don't think that is at issue...
One of the (many) upsetting things I learned from the Trump admin was that apparently there's people who are still trying to avenge Nixon. I honestly thought one of the things we all had in common was an understanding that Tricky Dick was a cartoon villain. Like Hitler and Putin and the KKK
Those people have opinions about the last three, too…
Weird, huh... Makes me wonder if it's actually possible to code a character as sufficiently villainous that everybody agrees whether they're bad. Was it ever possible? What about antiheros?
Newt Gingrinch told Trump about Peter. And he said so on NPR... (I AM SHITTING YOU, NOT!!!)
Ending two and a half centuries of American democracy because dishwashers have new efficiency standards
And toilets won’t flush sufficiently.
Maybe we can start an Adulting for Conservatives™️ Facebook group. Q: my toilet doesn’t flush immediately! A: did you know you can hold the handle down for couple seconds? Try that! Q: I don’t like this book! Why is there this book? A: did you know you aren’t required to read the book? Try that!
Needs more fiber in the diet
Indeed. A diet consisting only of McDonald’s hamburgers, too well done steaks, Diet Coke, and snorted Adderall is not helping anyone’s gold toilet do its work.
Even worse, that toilets wouldn't flush sufficiently for a while after new standards were first introduced years ago. Conservatives aren't just about clinging to petty grievances, they're about clinging to outdated petty grievances forever.
See also "fuel-efficient cars are underpowered and no fun to drive," "teaching evolution is corrupting the youth," and everything in between.
The reality is worse: they’ll burn country down and target the most vulnerable populations for violence so that their donors can get a new tax break.
The good ones still do, and with only 1.3 gallons! I’m not surprised TFGs house has cheap gold plates toilets though.
...if you've filled them with government documents.
What do you want them to do Peter serve on a committee!? The ONLY way to stop something you don’t like at a university is to overthrow the country.
The HORROR😬 And this, from a man who Trump told "Even you could be an attorney general" (I guess when he grew up and got to wear big boy pants)
That argument really pisses me off. People are so ignorant.