Steve Syfuhs

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Steve Syfuhs

Idiot of note. Principal something or other. Windows Authentication at Microsoft. It's my fault your password doesn't work.

Mostly dog pictures. Might actually be two dogs in a trench coat. 🇺🇸 / 🇨🇦
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Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
It’s actually not well known that Jesus was a werewolf! The Catholic Church tried to get that removed from the Bible
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France out here proving that actually you can tell the far right to go to hell even when it looks like they’re on track for a big victory are we going to let ourselves be shown up by the French?
French exit poll news and which seems a good sign
When he hears the AC kick on again
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The Morning Monty smooshes his face against the window to collect even MORE sunbeam
On the hottest day of the year so far, Bruce has complaints that the AC is cooling things down.
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one of my issues with white dudes specifically being weirdly combative about defending their desire to burn everything down and start over is that they know that ultimately, they will not be the ones who are sacrificed to eventually build their communist utopia or whatever
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
Today is a chili day, because when better to make a hot stew-like meal than when it’s 90 degrees. Since I use every social network for its proper purpose, if you’d like to follow along I’m chronicling on LinkedIn.
I just ate a lot of cheese. AMA.
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It's like when they surgically install a shunt to drain excess fluids from your organs, but for purging phrases like "Tiffany implies the existence of Jpegany" from my mind so that I can go back to being a moderately productive member of society
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
reminded of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
He is that popular cat breed "we found him up a tree! He's orange." 😂
He got cuter
What are the odds that white hood is pointy
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
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I call this photo “Hope.” He’s looking at my bagel.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
If Biden is committed, fine. Fire the campaign staff and comms team and start playing offense. Every single day. List accomplishments. List aggressive term 2 goals. Talk Project 2025 and name the players involved. Don’t let them deflect. Play offense and play it aggressively.
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Never been a happier (sleepier) Pixel than a pixel soaking up with sun
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
I'm incredibly bullish on America's future. I get it's a bit hard to see these days--the death throes of unpopular authoritarianism is pretty scary and there are real problems in the immediate term--but I definitely think America's best days are still very much ahead.
Aw, I had such a good response too.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
the hummingbird bird buddy has a rolling shutter and it was sunny today and lmaooooo i fuckin cant
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
yes, we all know you’re exactly the kind of smug asshole i was referring to in my initial post.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
In 1986 there were 3.5 million cases a year. In 2023 there were 14. There haven't been any reported so far in 2024. He said in 2015 when he announced his brain cancer that he hoped he'd outlive the Guinea worm, and it's very possible he might still live to see a year with no reported cases.
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He's devoted much of the last 30 years to the cause of its total eradication. Man once negotiated a six-month cease fire in Sudan -- the longest humanitarian ceasefire in recorded modern history -- to allow aid workers to get in to some of the worst-affected places.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
I’ve had over a decade to miserably marinate on an anti-democratic process in which, to my great sorrow, all my gloomiest, wildest predictions keep coming true. Despite that, I still don’t think we’re doomed or that we should give up and walk into the sea en masse.
on the record, I’ve been losing my mind with anxiety and fear over the fall of American democracy since 2013, when I noticed how similar U.S. politics was starting to sound to the kleptocracy I reported on in Cambodia. This is terrifying, but at least we know exactly the enemy’s intention are.
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In the end, what more can anyone do but to tell future generations to be confident enough in themselves to pick their own future, and leave failed institutions and ideas in the past when necessary to secure their own liberty. Our future is, in the end, up to us. Not up to them.
Call of The Wild^H^H^H cheese drawer
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Perhaps you would feel better if we did our daily check-in with Sammie's ears.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
Man it just never goes out of style.
It's 10am. Is it too early to start drinking heavily?
Reposted byAvatar Steve Syfuhs
I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).