John Heyrman

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John Heyrman

Music listener, sports fan, political scientist, dog lover
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many people are saying that the NYT’s disastrous performance at writing editorials that seem lazy and out of touch reflect a newspaper not up to the challenges of its rigorous job
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July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
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Every single decision this term
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Breaking: President Biden to appear at national event alongside rapist and convicted felon. Security to be enhanced; Biden campaign defends decision.
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Finally digging into today's opinion. It's much more nuanced than everyone on here is giving it credit for 🙄
It certainly is a weird flex to show how close you are to a kidnapper.
To be clear: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are holding reporter Evan Gershkovich hostage in Russia.
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Caravans a-comin', folks.
Fox News returns to “migrant crime” fixation as migrant crossings, crime plummet
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SCOTUS job perks include: 1. Summers off 2. Sweet, sweet graft money 3. Work outfit is a long billowing robe
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This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
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“As night fell Friday on downtown Jacksonville, 70 people lined the pedestrian walkway of the Main Street bridge and simultaneously turned on high-powered flashlights that lit the bridge in a ribbon of rainbow colors arching above the St. Johns River.”
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Reposted byAvatar John Heyrman
I don't know anything about political messaging or advertising or reaching voters in a fragmented media age or anything else like that. I just, at a gut level, want every voter in America to hear the mantra "felon, fraud, rapist, insurrectionist" four times a day for the next 30 weeks.
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In the face of a manufactured "property crime panic," F.T. Green examines how corporations enable the very theft to which they're falling victim. But rather than take responsibility, they're pushing for state-funded responses to protect their interests.
How Corporations Enable Property Crime—And Use it to Fuel a Self-Serving Upon closer examination, many of the most widely covered property crime phenomena can be better understood as the predictable result of a callous corporate push for profits.
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Reposted byAvatar John Heyrman
Truly up there with the great logical paradoxes, like the “I’ve Got Your Nose, Yes I have!” paradox and the “Where’s Baby—There He Is!” paradox
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Took the kids to DC earlier this week for spring break, and this quote from the Declaration hit a little different after the absolute-immunity oral arguments. This was, in case Alito needs a reminder, an originalist COMPLAINT, not aspiration.
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I can't believe this quote is real. Not having to hear chants while you're in class or the library is fine. But a general, university wide right to insulate yourself from speech that makes you feel uncomfortable? Insanity.
Asserting a right to *not* hear protest is literally the opposite of free speech.
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"Democrats who have vowed to vote “no” on Mangi’s confirmation are openly giving credence to Islamophobia, calling into question what the party actually stands for."
This Is a Crucial Moment to Stand Up to Islamophobia. Instead, Democrats Are Republicans have made Mangi the target of a baseless smear campaign. Democrats are letting it happen.
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you may have noticed The Sky rolling out a temporary test of our "DARK MODE" experience to some users in markets across parts of Texas, Ohio, New York and other states this afternoon
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why did obama leave a baseball on the oval office desk
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the order of operations has gone woke due to CRT and DEI
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Today's puzzle challenge: (A) Read first two paragraphs of this story. (B) Look at headline, which of course is all that most readers will register or retain. (C) Present the narrative that takes a headline-writer from (A) to (B).
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leggo my eggo is the only company slogan i can think of that starts in medias res. no time to get your bearings, you're already in a fight for this waffle
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True Story: we had a consulting group visit our college to help us draw up a "Vision Statement." When I asked them if they could point to a success story from their work or any example of improvement from such a statement, they just looked at me, stunned.
literally none, and if you pressed them to define what 'success' would mean to them, anyway, the darkest imaginable abyss would open up under the entire conversation
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Biden didn't "quell the concerns" of the people *running against him* because the criticisms from your opponents are not "concerns" they are campaign strategies, you dumb mfers it's like saying the Knicks' three-point shooting is unlikely to persuade the Celtics to stop trying to score.
I want you to think for a moment about how *dumb* this New York Times assessment is. Really think about it. The Times dings Biden for (it assumes) failing to "quel the concerns" of Republicans "who have made questioning Mr. Biden’s competency a centerpiece of their 2024 strategy."