
Do you not like RFK jr? If not, why not?
We've got the sexual assault allegations, being one of the leaders of the anti-vaccine movement (can we specifically go with comparing vaccination to the Holocaust?), playing footsie with 9/11 conspiracy theorists, lying about direct quotes, supporting crypto, his treatment of his ex-wife, etc...
I ran out of space. He said covid might have been engineered to not target Jews and Chinese people. He's anti-trans. He's tied school shootings to anti-depressants. He'd easily be the most awful person we've seen run for some time were it not for one Donald Trump.
I originally missed his comment, but I assume this is some kind of gotcha to show that we only know these things thanks to the intrepid reporting of Anne Coulter's no. 1 fan
HIV/AIDS denial. Profits from his book of hideous lies about Dr. Fauci. Frequently re-ups his attacks on Dr. Fauci, which encourages death threats to Fauci, his wife and his children. Intends to dismantle CDC and stop vaccine research. Lies about his past. Erases those who helped him succeed.
Jesus Christ, the man is sociopath addicted to attention, an anti vaccine activist, and trading solely on his name. The dude is not well.
Decades of antivaccine activism isn’t sufficient for you?
It’s the literal brain worm for me.
Mostly his proposed policies, character, lack of experience, and poor reasoning skills, but the list can be expanded and made more particular if needed.
And how do you know about those? Have you talked to him? If not, you must have relied on some journalist who “platformed” those views. This was my point. And yes, I was an idiot for trying to make it.
I couldn’t see the context above. It’s blocked. I was just answering your question. Knowing it more fully now, i do think it a bit facile to answer criticisms about specific journalists and pieces of journalism with arguments about the necessity of journalism generally.
❤️ is for trying to make the point
The part that sticks out is his stance on denying access to gender affirming care to minors, and then calling it an issue he doesn't super care about. Choosing a policy against medical science that will kill children to appeal to his supporters isn't enough for you? Where are your standards, then?
As a journalist: A politician casually throws out policies that will kill children. Is calling him a normal entrant to the race ethical? No, and also fuck you.
Why should that question be relevant in the first place?
dude got a lot of people killed overseas with his antivax campaigns, he has a literal brain worm, he's poling green party level bad, why would anyone consider him viable here
Right, he is a basically irrelevant person who won’t become president, whose only vote totals will come from people who would otherwise write in Donald Duck or something. He has the political salience of a cartoon character.
2000 and 2016 would like a word.
I stand by it; the alternative where the 3P candidates don’t exist doesn’t neatly resolve to “the better candidate would have won.”
I just disagree on where the RFK votes will come from.
That is a bizarre question. Have you not followed a single thing RFK Jr has done in the last decade? I haven't even made an effort to follow him and I know about his anti vaccine activism and active support for conspiracy theories. You might as well ask why folks don't like Guiliani
well this post sure accomplished a lot
Also as my uncle said "closing half the military bases is going to cause world war three" - as in his policy is ideas are also detached from reality.
Also, we don't have to wait until November or January to see what Mr. Kennedy will do if a valid election is overturned. One already was, in part, with Junior knowingly receiving the spoils.