Ronnie Barranca

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Ronnie Barranca

guy sometimes, girl sometimes, shitposter always
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ #AuDHD

Discord: barranca22
are you poly or do you just have a calendar scheduling kink
Everything's gonna be alright if we just keep things cool and direct - I'm not gonna vague and you're not gonna vague - we're gonna keep things calm. Do you or any of the hosta- I mean mutuals need anything in there? Likes, reblogs, comments? We can send them in while we just talk out here, alright?
*yelling with a bullhorn* My name is Julia Uncut Femmes, I'm an agent with the Discourse Deescalation Unit, I'm here to try and resolve this without anyone else getting blocked but I need you to cooperate with me, alright? I need to see evidence that all the lowbies in the group chat are safe first.
[slapping my hand over yours as you reach for a community chest card] “it’s gonna say ‘vagueposting on main is lowkey goated when manipulating people to hold onto clout is the vibe’” “what‽ it says i won $10 in a beauty contest. what the fuck do any of the words you just said even mean?”
Hey dude, wake up. You really had us going there for a minute. Bluesky? Discourse? What the hell are you talking about, we're midway through this monopoly game and you got really scared and freaked out after taking a very minor hit off these stems. It's September 10th 2001, everything's fine dude.
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Scarlett’s story is SO credible that they didn’t need a lot more. Add on the corroborating interview with the friend and I’m done. I don’t need to know what Neil says to know that I believe her, and I think the people trying to frame the story through his “admission” are sidelining her pretty hard.
transition is poking your head out the trenches and realizing theres no more gunfire to duck away from, and rushing out a hole in the ground you didnt realize youve been hiding in all your life. it wont always be easy up there–it's no man's land–but you'll breathe the fresh air and it'll be worth it
if an anvil crushed my face tomorrow, i’d keep taking estrogen because it’s been a more effective treatment for misery than all the therapy & psych meds & street drugs & booze i consumed. everything’s still everything, but i no longer feel like i’ve got a hand behind my back.
Same! I had treatment and drug resistant depression all my life. I'm not even as attached to being a woman (although I do love being a woman) as I am to just having a bunch of estrogen flowing through my veins.
On the other hand, the Heritage Foundation has been kind enough to publish their plans for the fourth reich and I think people will be eager to vote against that
I dunno what's going to happen or what should happen but my feeling is that if you swap candidates in July you get annihilated in November
yea, i have autism
Yeah, I have autism A utism U T I S M assive cock
gloomhonk on youtube makes the best custom song charts i’ve ever seen and the videos they make to accompany you playing them in-game are always so good I post Trombone Champ videos.
if you see this, (1) grab scrap paper (post-it, envelope, etc) and writing implement (2) draw a garfield or a spongebob or both (do not look them up) (3) share if you wanna!!!
Apparently the government of the Yucatán recently erected a Poseidon statue on one of their major beaches. It’s a very heavily Mayan area, where people still pray to Chaac, the god of rainfall. They’re now being slammed with 3 hurricanes and significant flooding, leading to memes like this
gotta thank for reviewing a Bugs Bunny cartoon & indirectly reminding me of this album, which i lost when all my CDs got stolen a bunch of years ago added it to my apple music library Good chaotic housecleaning music 😹 Also highly recommended:
sometimes, when you get lucky and the weather loves you, flying in the PNW is a fucken magical experience
I think this is the target audience here
it made perfect sense for Men in Black but ngl it felt pretty forced at the end of Legend of Bagger Vance
there really was a time in American cinema when movies ended with Will Smith going "woo" and then rapping the plot of the movie you had just watched, this actually happened multiple times
Oh I thought that was over the end credits. Bring Back Original Rap Credits Summarising The Plot! RETVRN!
this has been bothering me for 24 hours and i'm probably not the right guy to be writing about the way the major leagues talks about the negro league but whatever i finally just spit it all out in a slack so i may as well share it here too
yeah a really common psychological response that folks often have to dysphoria is avoidance, suppression, & their body trying to just generally “numb” them emotionally. it’s done as a subconscious protective mechanism to try & shield oneself from stress, but it’s not sustainable long term. 😬
The word *Speed* in Norwegian is fart, leading to exactly what you imagine happened in 1994.