
Here’s to hoping his next billionaire junket is a free trip to Mars from Elon Musk.
Quick submersible trip to Titanic wreck?
I’d prefer it if he took a trip to see the titanic
Tell him that people on Mars have non-Christian religious freedom.
Who's more dangerous, a SCOTUS justice who's for sale to the highest bidder or a SCOTUS justice who's a true believer in Christian Nationalism? Answer: Yes.
At this rate he'll have admitted to everything we already know about this sleepy, graft-filled insurrectionist by the year 2098
What’s fun about this is the Dems could be taking a scorched earth approach to corruption but they’re too busy clutching their pearls and saying “we can’t win, why bother trying“ to actually do anything at all. Dems need the same energy the GOP had when Obama wore that tan suit.
You guys are normally really good on white collar crime, but I fear too much trust has been put in the people who are in charge of the branches of the state, and there’s a bit of corruption in the state of Denmark, sorry, The District of Columbia. In the UK, he’d have been out the door.
The problem: that a justice gets to say whether she/he is impartial. Studies show that we feel better to know someone’s disclosed a connection that could cause bias—but the disclosure doesn’t eliminate bias. People can’t be objective about themselves, and the danger is that we pretend they can be.
If you vote for Biden for no other reason it should be to prevent assholes like this piece of shit and Alito from getting replaced by younger versions of themselves next term. SCOTUS is the only thing making new constitutional law these days. It's way more important that most people appreciate.
And I feel guilty taking a free Hershey's Kiss from the bowl at my local coffee shop... 🤦‍♀️
Like, bruh, you can’t do that! Do you get it?!!!!
This, in my opinion, criminal. At the very least, it is a violation of ethics. The U.S. House of Representatives has the Constitutional responsibility to impeach on these grounds. Why has this not happened.
C T is nothing more than crows slave he's a slave to crow think about that for a min ha ha WOW
How stupid you can get? They are supposed to be sharp minds and at least somewhat ethical
We shouldn’t put anyone on pedestals. We do. Lots. And then some of them put themselves on high.
It would be j treating to see if Crow gifts luxury vacation to other judges or politicians
Bought and paid for. What a crook.
Bought and paid and not afraid to admit it because Thomas knows there’s no accountability.
Can we deport this horrible man somewhere?
I can't tell if Harlan Crow paid for trips in the year 2019, or that he's paid for 2,019 trips for Thomas over the years. Either's possible.
Since he knows he’ll suffer no consequences, why shouldn’t he just admit he’s a puppet?
I hate him less for his corruption than I do for how cheaply he sold his office.
How much am I bid for Trump's permanent criminal immunity?