
I grew up on the Gulf Coast in FL and TX. I lived through more hurricanes, tropical storms, floods and tornadoes than I can even remember. I honestly can’t remember a time before about 15 yrs ago when there was ever any hesitation about disaster relief for fellow Americans. Ever. Fuck these people
House Freedom Caucus lays out demands for considering Baltimore bridge The House Freedom Caucus is issuing a series of conditions for considering funding to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, as Congress awaits a supplemental request from the Biden adm…
Oh, but when it’s their district their open hands are out.
That's usually when they vote against it but take credit for it when it arrives. As always, shamelessness is their superpower.
And the real problem is too many voters never connect the behavior to the candidate come Election Day.
You think better of those voters than I do. I suspect many of them AGREE with their reps. I imagine their thinking is something like "those people [their neighbors] who got help from the government didn't deserve it. I deserved more than I got. The government's helping the wrong people."
Heaven forbid a Democrat says anything about their rural shithole districts but they are free to be as racist as they want when it comes to cities
All it succeeds in doing is fostering my resentment towards those states and their residents, and that's a bad thing.
And we’re glad to do it, because helping people is the right thing to do, it’s fine to point out the hypocracy but dont forget we’re trying to to help people here
I’m talking about the posturing, not the actual spending.
For some block grants that they can largely stuff into their and their cronies pockets.
The Tea Party turds like Ted Cruz raised a stink about Sandy, then came groveling once Ike and then Imelda pelted Htown
Well, once he got back from vacation that is.
lol he may have been in Cancun but came back to vote against Sandy FEMA aid too for all we know
Yeah, hesitation was kinda always there for blue states.
The new GOP approach will be to demand assistance for their states, while attaching strings our outright denying blue states. No chance this would be the response if this was a bridge in some place like Louisiana.
I remember hurricane Sandy. What do you mean "new?"
Good point, although in Trump 2 I can definitely foresee unprecedented blackmail if, for example, a major earthquake hit Northern California.
And within red states blue counties and cities will be denied even when they're the most affected. Harris County was excluded from the first round of Hurricane Harvey Relief grants .
As other said, not new. Remember when Kushner was put in charge of the pandemic, and since it hit blue states sooner and harder than red, decided it was politically cool to let them twist.
Given that Maryland is a net creditor state, and the Freedom Caucus almost universally represent net debtor states, it would be nice if they’d keep their mouths from writing checks their asses can’t cover.
The current Republicans have been pulling this for disasters in blue states since Trump if not before. It's not new behavior.
I lived through both Irene and Sandy in NYC and now live in Baltimore. I knew exactly what to expect from these cretins and am still absolutely livid about it anyway
It’s just a complete abandonment of the notion of the U.S. as a single country. And then these fuckers have the gall to wave their fucking flags in our faces and call themselves patriots and the Real Americans.
Yup, and buddies with Russia! Granted, they are fascist now, but I don't really expect them to learn.
It just doesn’t seem like any but a sliver who started out pro-Trump have taken a step back for even a single second and thought about what they’re doing here, and how far removed from everything they once claimed as bedrock principle it all is. Lemmings following Dear Leader off a cliff.
Fascism isn't rational, you do what the leader says, that's truth, what they said yesterday is irrelevant.
The federal response to Hurricane Katrina was the real signal that this kind of abdication of responsibility was to be expected in the future
Only one party in American politics ever wants to hesitate in delivering help and it generally depends on if the state that would receive the help votes heavily for them or not.
I hope with all my might that the House Freedom Caucus bastards get zero credit when the bridge reopens. OK, maybe this much credit.. During the opening ceremony they'll be in a nearby cage with sign above:"These Fucks Voted Against This Beautiful Bridge" And people throw old fish guts at them.
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There are no government employees more juvenile, ignorant, cruel, or bigoted than the House Freedom Caucus. Truly the detritus of the elected representatives of the American people.
Chuck Schumer could send a no-strings-attached relief bill to the House every hour on the hour, and probably should if that's how they're going to be.
Call it something fun like the "This is literally the reason Government exists act" or something with a better acronym
Funding Underwater Construction of Kauseways and YSuck my dick Ocean Use ACT
Huh, if I lived in Freedom Caucus Member Andy Harris’ district that included large parts of I-95 inin Baltimore and Harford Counties, I might be upset that my representative was actively making my commute worse.
The wreckage is visible from Andy Harris' district and this is doubtlessly directly impacting more than a few of his constituents.
He’ll spin it and they’ll eat it up. Not a doubt in my mind. Because the alternative is scarier then this; or at least that’s what they’re fed.
Realistically, they don’t see the residents of Baltimore as “Fellow Americans”. That’s the whole problem.
We need to remind folks that the House Freedom Caucus consists of 19 people. That's it. 19. Out of about 431 when every seat is filled. 19 people get this much attention, this much press.
The states these people occupy and govern are a net negative to federal cash flow. They need to worry about their own shit before opening their mouth.
It’s a straight up power game. If they can they will.
We should take the funding from the people who are supporting the legislature who are blocking this, let them starve as punishment for being shit human beings
Remember all the pushback from Dems when FL eats shit every single hurricane season because they keep rebuilding mcmansions in flood zones? Yeah, me neither.
I'm okay with offsets, as long as they come from federal projects in the Freedom Cause's districts.
I was just going to suggest that
Nah dawg. Fuck THESE people. They have names and are publicly elected. Name and shame. It’s not some vague entity. It’s 36 assholes. Barry Moore (AL-2) Gary Palmer (AL-6) Eli Crane (AZ-2) Andy Biggs (AZ-5) Debbie Lesko (AZ-8) Paul Gosar (AZ-9) Lauren Boebert (CO-3)
Matt Gaetz (FL-1) Bill Posey (FL-8) Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13) Greg Steube (FL-17) Byron Donalds (FL-19) Andrew Clyde (GA-9) Mike Collins (GA Russ Fulcher ID Mary Miller IL Clay Higgins LA Andy Harris MD Eric Burlison MO Matt Rosendale MT Greg Murphy NC Dan Bishop NC Jim Jordan OH Warren Davidson OH
Josh Brecheen (OK Scott Perry (PA Jeff Duncan (SC Ralph Norman (SC Diana Harshbarger (TN Scott DesJarlais (TN Andy Ogles (TN Mark Green (TN Keith Self (TX Chip Roy (TX Troy Nehls (TX Michael Cloud (TX Bob Good (VA- Ben Cline (VA Morgan Griffith (VA Alex Mooney (WV Tom Tiffany (WI Harriet Hageman (WY