Poppy Davis

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Poppy Davis


Agricultural & resource law economics & tax. Government, policy, public lands, sustainable development. Food wine water trees rock&roll desert mountains rivers.
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I need #Chemsky to read this paper & help me raise awareness.🧪 "Satellites burn up at the end of service life during reentry, generating aluminum oxides as the main byproduct. These are known catalysts for chlorine activation that depletes ozone in the stratosphere."
Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise During Atmospheric Reentry in the Era of Mega‐Constellationsagupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com <em>Geophysical Research Letters</em> is an AGU journal publishing high-impact, innovative articles on major advances spanning all of the major geoscience disciplines.
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new office backdrop reveal of historic Rural Electrification Administration prints
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A beautiful sight, a field of wheat showing lots of potential for #harvest24! It's a shame half of the wheat never made it to the field though, such a wet winter this year
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Please everyone make sure to be responsible in using this Indiana Tattale-a-Teacher website to which you can *UPLOAD FILES*
Indiana AG's new "report a teacher" portal is truly something else. Not only can people upload "supporting documentation", but there's a curated collection of those documents for users to browse. It's a state funded website to facilitate targeted hate campaigns. www.in.gov/attorneygene...
Eyes on Educationwww.in.gov
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They also just proposed a database of women who've had abortions.
The playbook they ran against abortion is now being run against gender-affirming medical care and will be used against birth control. Oklahoma just proposed a bill to limit IUDs this week. You need to defend trans people's health care like your birth control depends on it.
New Oklahoma bill could allow state to create database of women who had abortionswww.oklahoman.com A bipartisan group of lawmakers expressed concerns that the bill could also ban some forms of birth control, such as IUDs.
Hard to imagine a more wholesome public legacy than an employee-owned company delivering nutritious staples. A life well-lived; rest in peace Bob Moore of Bob's Red Mill, may your spirit bless hearty, healthy breakfasts and baked goods for years to come.
Bob's Red Mill Founder Dies | Newswww.specialtyfood.com
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“with more than $20,000 in funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development” Damn talk about bang for your buck
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Happy Lunar New Year! Photo of the giant dragon in Old Chinatown, from the El Pueblo Monument Photo Collection at the @lapubliclibrary.bsky.social (circa 1890s): tessa2.lapl.org/digital/coll...
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Almost a third of UK families lived in decent public housing in the 1970s, virtually without stigma. Just imagining it for my town lifts a weight.
"Quietly and with little fanfare, the idea of building new publicly owned housing for people across the income spectrum has advanced...not the kind of public housing most Americans are familiar with: It has a sleek fitness center, multiple gathering spaces, and a...pool" www.vox.com/policy/2024/...
What if public housing were for everyone?www.vox.com Local governments are trying a new way to address the housing crisis.
From Civil Eats: A Florida Immigration Law Is Turning Farm Towns Into ‘Ghost Towns’ | As farmers face worker shortages and farm communities lose residents, are GOP lawmakers shooting themselves in the foot? | #thehandsthatfeedus #knowyourfarmworkerknowyourfood #knowyourfarmerknowyourfood
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The edge of our farm is an abandoned railroad. We've been planting native trees and shrubs on it for 25 years. Today I stood in one spot and recorded 21 bird species in just 10 minutes! This is one of my proudest accomplishments as a farmer.
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End of feed.