Liz | you can find the others if you are brave

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Liz | you can find the others if you are brave

I believe that we are many / I believe that they are few / And it isn't for the few to tell the many what is true | BLM | 18+ | 🦋🎵🤟🏻🧜🏻‍♀️⭐️🌈
I'm not saying mega Christians destroying the altar left for Pan at the end of season two of #Hellier started all this fucking madness but I'm not NOT saying that.
If I can't get this inconvenient side effect under control I have no idea how I'm supposed to enjoy NYC.
I'm going to start invoicing my mother every time she says something asinine that is internet related for making me listen to things like, "Disney bought Hulu and now it won't work!" Disney bought Hulu back in November, if that was reason the problem would have happened already.
And it's not even that they're doing it on purpose. They give instructions to the other man present even after they give them to me. They don't clean up after themselves. They "help" by making more work for me. They just don't have a clue.
Weird how all the women theatre artists I'm working with make me feel trusted and respected and confident in my expertise and all the men act like I haven't been doing theatre for the last twenty years and don't have the sense god gave a goose. Curious. 🙃
Weird how all the women theatre artists I'm working with make me feel trusted and respected and confident in my expertise and all the men act like I haven't been doing theatre for the last twenty years and don't have the sense god gave a goose. Curious. 🙃
You could at least pretend you don't think I'm an idiot amateur incapable of doing her job.
when did we start acting like sentimentality and sincerity in fiction are flaws in need of fixing, and not the best part of fiction
Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
Pride Month will continue until cishets improve.
Pride Month will continue until morale improves.
Finally, news we can trust
Biden does *not* need to step down. Instead, he needs to jump to the left, and then take a step to his right with his hands on his hips and then bring his knees in tight.
How dare you insult cats in this way, Mr. President.
Say what you will about age, slowing, or confusion. One still knows right from wrong. The other never has. #debate perspective.
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
I better hope my EIPA comes back with a 3.5+ because every other goddamn certification wants to test in the middle of the school day.
Wow this store brand cheese dip that I bought for a dollar cheaper convincing myself it will be just as good as the name brand stuff is NOT just as good.
I forgot to give the straw to my last dash order but he didn't tip so I'm calling it even.
Seriously why are middle aged white cishet men in academic theatre the most annoying mansplainy demographic
Thank god for sunglasses so that the pontificating blowhard can't watch me roll my eyes.
Thank god for sunglasses so that the pontificating blowhard can't watch me roll my eyes.
When you think about it, falling off stage mid performance is about the most Falstaff thing Sir Ian could have done.
The Venn Diagram of people who think Pablo Hidalgo is secretly controlling Lucasfilm and the people complaining that The Acolyte breaks canon is a perfect circle. These thoughts are not compatible but here we are.
fully agree, second only to this
One of the best lines in the original SW, now ruined by add-on media, was "Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars", and NO ONE STOPPED TO EXPLAIN TO EACH OTHER WHAT THAT MEANT. It made the universe feel REAL. It had a past, and people who lived in it had shared knowledge of it. 1/2
I hate being in this body right now. I don't feel like myself. I don't even look like myself because fucking prednisone.
Oops... I did it again. (Painted in a t-shirt I shouldn't have.)
I'm 38 why is it I suddenly don't know how to go down stairs.
I wish my mother would go to therapy and talk about the trauma around my grandfather's death instead of making me watch Band of Brothers twice a year and every shitty World War II documentary she can find in between.
God save me from Shakespeare Voice and shoddy dramaturgy.