
Being trans in America is cool because it’s like do you want to live somewhere rent is $6,000 a month or do you want to live somewhere it’s legal to hunt you for sport
on the bright side, sometimes it's both so you don't even have to choose!
do you want to have five roommates or does having a safe and productive public life require "passing" to the point of "stealth"
and the people charging $6,000 a month want u to act real fuckin grateful all the time that they’re not legalizing hunting u for sport
New Mexico is actually relatively reasonable (but not cheap) and protects and respects trans folks better than a lot of places. Usually I don't recommend New Mexico because I like it too much, but, trans folks, come on down.
the constant struggle of wanting to move out of a HCOL city to save money but not wanting to increase my chances of being hatecrimed :-(
trans + type 1 diabetic = you live like a millionaire in debt only
At this rate, having to spend > half of my income because no company wants me full time for more than a pittance is just a slow hunt for my life and I hate it hell I barely make 130 on foodstamps and my rent increased by ~200 when I moved to my current apartment
It's been one of the many hells in trying to write my story as I just can't stay stable
We need either lawyers or biker gangs Maybe both
Trans guy here, Wisconsin is fine unless we get a Republican governor, then all bets are off. But we have a few great LGBTQ clinics for healthcare. Open harassment is not common (I'm mistaken for cishet but more visible friends report the same - might get shitty looks, but that happens everywhere).
And at least you can do a relatively short move to Illinois should the political climate in Wisconsin change and necessitate it. Hopefully it will not!
No, because then you have the problem of housing costs mentioned in the original post. I’d just move NOW if I could (not to Illinois) but I can’t afford to go anywhere else I’d want to live and it’s not urgent.
to be fair, chicago isn’t $6,000 expensive. (yet.)
Is it better to live in a bad part of Illinois (think Cairo or East St. Louis) or, say Milwaukee?
Welcome to the two entirely radically different countries that now make up the former United States. Sad, sad statement.
It's always been this way A bunch of y'all are just noticing
We need to start stealing housing. Just take a few highrise apartment buildings. Nothing drastic
Now, now. My mortgage isn’t much above $5000/mo.
Check out Buffalo & Rochester, NY. Affordable, LGBTQ-friendly blue cities. The Pride parade in Buffalo has so many floats & contingents that it is 2 miles long.
Buffalo might be affordable still, but anywhere in the Hudson Valley region really isn’t compared to local wages, and it’s getting worse fast Stuff is either gentrified to hell here or ghost towns (or sometimes both if there’s too many short term rentals) If you can’t work remote don’t move here
Buffalo is the opposite of the side of New York from the Hudson Valley. You're not much farther from Chicago as you are from NYC at this point.0z
Yeah no duh that’s why I specifically mentioned that idk what’s going on over there
To be fair that will soon be the typical American experience for anyone that isn’t a millionaire
Both and I’m an asshole for asking
Footnote: the bazooka unit of the 6KPD is still allowed to hunt you for sport
Western Massachusetts is not bad: pretty tolerant, pretty cheap. As always when considering this kind of thing, it really helps if you can work from home.