
No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.
Thank you. I needed to see this today. I am so scared. My beloved was always voice of reason and calm, talking me off the metaphorical ledge when I was terrified about what's happening in this country. He passed away last year. Trying to be my own voice of reason is a lot harder.
Sending you care. You aren’t alone. A lot of people are scared and it’s ok to be. Hope you find a soft place to land and people you can link up with to take useful actions.
And others. Give everyone grace to process and think out loud.
Yep, keep your head down, do your part, rest. Tomorrow is another day.
This is true, it’s just even harder when you know the people who should represent you respect the cynosures and fear that your influence is as corrosive to their beloved, enduring monuments as the fascists. An unfamiliar future and a desolate future are one and the same to them
I’m cleaning, which I hardly ever do
Thank you. Thank you. This morning has been really hard.
Remember, Joe Biden now has Immunity!, Time to prepare for and provide him with a true blue congress in 2024 so that he can right the ship and clean house. We are the instruments of this achievement, aid all of your friends and family in providing the tools needed to removed the republican cancer!
Thank you. I fucking hate politics around here. Fucking hate this country and everything it stands for.
Then vote. And get others voting. Fuck the SCOTUS. Trump is a loser.
Feeling one’s feelings and processing them is a crucial part of taking action. Feeling scared, angry, overwhelmed etc are warning signals that things are not aligned with your values or the natural order of things. And you can’t take action if you live in denial. Denial will eventually harm you too.
I think assessing those feelings & feeling them is a good way to decide what action needs to be taken next & what actions you can take yourself.
Came here because I knew you’d know the thing to say. 🥺
Take heart in the knowledge that Trump only has 4 years, if he lives that long.
Ideally. He has stated, and his team is enthusiastically endorsing: “dictator for a day” And dictators aren’t all that well known for stepping down after they’ve gotten power. Not willingly.
They also not know for their immortality. He's old too.
And where does the power go from there? His heir? Whoever emerges the victor of a bloody succession battle involving millions?
How about stop having a defeatist attitude and maybe not expect the worse all the time? Dictatorships don't happen over night (Hitler not withstanding, he was a scary weird exception to the rule, but quite a few countries learnt their lesson, and there has been a lot of over correcting to help)
I don't feel like our side has any leaders with the stomach for what has to be done to undo what's happened. Regardless of how this ends, the American project our founders started ended today and we have to rebuild from square one. We have lords and kings now and there are no laws, only power.
I was just going to post something about this. I'm at work and really don't want to be here. I just feel paralyzed.