Profit Greenly

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Profit Greenly

I'm just a dad, standing in front of the world, asking everyone to love heat pumps, eBikes, solar, wind, transmission, dense housing, trains, buses and other things that can help us avoid civilization destroying climate change.
Found the persona for this user story.
I really need the Gradient or Midea cold weather models to go on sale. My home has a room without ductwork that gets super hot/cold and is largely unusable. Local installer quoted me $9k to install a mini split in it! One of these units would be perfect for it, they just need to come out already!!!
This is how we stop fascism from gaining control of the US, reverting our hard won freedoms, and dooming humanity to climate catastrophe. Knock some doors, write some cards, make some calls and get a follow.
Can’t recommend this highly enough. I’ve been writing hundreds of voter registration postcards to battleground states, and beginning in the fall will be knocking on doors in Pittsburgh. Let’s all take a break from doomscrolling to turn our election anxieties into constructive action!
Probably DOE, but ethanol did get more efficient and recent studies show a net positive energy balance. It's still just a pittance of energy to get for depleting the nutrients of soil on an area of prime farmland roughly the size of NY state. Put solar on that land and you power the USA and more.
Bluesky should implement a European vacation mode where any DMs or replies are automatically met with a reply that states "I'm on vacation till X date, any replies received in this time will not reach my notifications, any DMs will be deleted. Message/reply after X if it is truly important."
We use 30-40% of the US corn crop, the biggest corn crop of any country, for ethanol each year!
Reposted byAvatar Profit Greenly
Wow: “If you grow an acre of corn, it will produce 900 gallons of ethanol, which will get you about 25,000 miles for a Ford F-150...which is, not bad I guess. But let’s say we put solar on that same acre. It will produce enough electricity every year to drive my Lightning 550,000 miles.”
Forty Acres and a Sense of Sunshine on a Cloudy Week
Pretty sure this just drops the amount of money these companies pay for electricity. Still bad policy, but if your resistors don't have the ability to siphon money from rubes you'll still face a net loss even if you pull them out on every demand response event.
I think about this home from Pacifica CA a lot. Sold for $985k in 2014, then in 2023, after months of price drops, it went for $25k. It's like $960k fell into the sea!!! The state of CA had tried to do a planned retreat to shield homeowners from such losses, but the voters of Pacifica rejected it.
A bit different than subsidence in the article, but similar enough.
It's amazing that some people are pushing annual heat pump COPs over 5, but I agree with the end of the article where it notes that we should look at cost. For my home the estimated cost of improving insulation was higher than a solar array which powers 74-107% of my total EV and home's annual use.
The Hunt for the Most Efficient Heat Pump in the World - A new generation of engineers has realized they can push #HeatPumps to the limit, but just how much heat you can extract depends on your setup.
The Hunt for the Most Efficient Heat Pump in the A new generation of engineers has realized they can push heat pumps to the limit, but just how much heat you can extract depends on your setup.
This solar generation isn't always at the same time as my usage but my grid is still summer peaking so exporting power in the summer and importing it in the winter likely cuts more emissions right now. Hopefully we'll have enough heat pump installs to become winter peaking in the future though.
Very cool, also nice to see how thick the yellow solar bar was earlier in the day. Add a bit more storage to help when the sun goes down and they'll really be cooking. Hopefully ~$5,000/MWh is enough to spur some serious additional deployment there.
With ~$60/kWh batteries you just need to discharge them 12 times at these prices to pay for the cells. Obviously there are other costs to battery pack installs, but with an LFP battery being able to discharge thousands of times they seem like great investments in ERCOT now.
Yesterday's BNEF report on LFP batteries costing just $59/kWh got me thinking about pumped hydro. I remember an NYT story years ago about a pumped hydro project in the Grand canyon that tribes opposed. The details I noted were that it was going to take over a decade to build and cost over $100/kWh.
This puts Pom Poko (a 1994 anime movie about supposedly native racoons being displaced from their homes by urban development) in a different light.
This feed is interesting as it shows you the posts you made that generated the most interaction. For me at least it is pretty much entirely replies I made to bigger accounts' posts. In an algorithmless world should smaller accounts even post directly to their feeds?
There's no algorithm here! So in the grand tradition of Follow Friday, I am going to institute Reskeet My Bangers Friday, to unearth old threads that feel relevant again. For ideas, there's always the My Bangers feed, although sometimes bangers aren't bangers the first time around. #RMBFriday
PA house passed a flat annual EV fee that doesn't take into account miles traveled or vehicle weight. Just a complete missed opportunity to encourage less driving and smaller EVs. If you live in PA call your state senator and tell them any EV fee MUST be based on mileage and vehicle weight ASAP! 🔌💡
Electric vehicle owners would pay $250 registration fee under legislation passed in Pa. The EV fee legislation passed in the upper chamber more than a year ago with strong bipartisan support but faced Republican opposition in the House Transportation Committee because members said the ma...
Yesterday's BNEF report on LFP batteries costing just $59/kWh got me thinking about pumped hydro. I remember an NYT story years ago about a pumped hydro project in the Grand canyon that tribes opposed. The details I noted were that it was going to take over a decade to build and cost over $100/kWh.
Batteries with moderately good energy density for $50/kWh would have been seen as a miraculous science fiction technology a decade ago. Now LFP batteries like this are here, in production, being put in in real cars being built in China.
China’s Batteries Are Now Cheap Enough to Power Huge We no longer need to model for when cell prices drop far enough to decarbonize road transport. That day is here.
A good reporter would have asked, "Won't batteries undercut this price years before this project comes online?" But that didn't happen (another example of just reporting the facts without thinking). Luckily though it seems like FERC has killed these projects anyways.
FERC denies permit for Big Canyon project - Navajo The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has denied Pumped Hydro Storage LLC preliminary permits to dam Big Canyon. This decision was rendered on April 25, after pending – since 2020 – for four years.
Looking at an NREL study from March 2024 it seems like barring some amazing discovery that cuts construction costs in half pumped hydro storage simply can't compete with newer cheaper batteries.
Oh yeah, I guess I should have put 🔌💡 in this to get it into the energysky feed. If you see this there go back to the first message in this thread to learn how cheap LFP batteries will kill pumped hydro storage and how that's a win for indigenous tribes in the US.
They could just rewrite Dan Olson's conclusion to In Search of a Flat Earth in a positive light. Basically just change "wild hypocrisy" to "alternative facts", "demonstrably untrue", "not totally confirmed", and "spite" to "conviction".
"They engage in wild hypocrisy as an act of domination, adhering to something demonstrably untrue out of spite, because they believe that power belongs to those with the greatest will to take it, and what greater sign of will than the ability to override truth?" Dan Olson
In Search Of A Flat Clickbait Title: The Twist at 37 Minutes Will Make You Believe We Live In HellMore Lake Footage: has taken a long time to ma...
Alarming post detailing the raw energy that will be required to cool homes in a heating world with AC and the very real human impacts if we don't cool them.
Can we air condition our way out of extreme heat? A primer on air conditioning from The Climate Brink www.theclimatebrink....
Can we air condition our way out of extreme heat? part 1: a primer on air conditioning
One note that comes up in the comments is that these are theoretical maximum efficiencies. In reality ACs have lower efficiencies. That means more energy used overall, but a potentially smaller % increase in energy use as temps rise.