
there is literally no organization I trust less than NYT right now to interpret Biden’s thinking
Whatever the Bidens end up deciding, it's baffling that they seem to think it would somehow reflect badly on his career to bow out. Screen cap on left: NYT on the Bidens' thinking Screen cap on right: My suggestion that this isn't a good way to think about the situation
It’s jaw-dropping to me that people are treating that outlet as a reputable source of either information or opinion on this topic.
❓❓❓❓❓ GS's piece is not from NYT, it does not echo NYT, it distinctly takes issue with NYT mind-readers, and it lays out a very well-balanced summation of the odds and the stakes as we know them in these first days post-debate-debacle.
try reading the quoted tweet one more time
Yes. How do you read "My suggestion that this isn't a good way to think about the situation"❓ Assume you have read In sum, ❓.
Greg is saying that this is what the NYT says about Biden's thinking, and is further saying that Biden's thinking as described by NYT is not a useful way to think about the situation.
I am saying that the NYT doesn't know shit about Biden's thinking and to the extent that they do know anything they're the last people I trust right now to interpret or extrapolate from what they know.
The phrasing “assume the presidency” is quite a thing. Biden won the fucking election; it wasn’t bestowed on him by the Times’ op-ed page
Politics isn’t a goddamn game and the NYT aren’t referees
I'm laying down my marker- Greg's brain's cooked. Poster's Madness has taken him.
It will come for us all, and thinking that we're inoculated merely guarantees our fate. Gaze with pity, shake your head, and move on.
Getting a lot of Ozymandias vibes off this place lately
It's an election year. A thing we ALL suffer from is the memories of a goldfish when it comes to what social media is like in an election year. Especially the corners that political junkies (derogatory) like me favor.
Every NYT article about Biden and the White House has to be understood through the framing that no one in the Biden operation who matters will talk to the NYT.
Good idea since this same rag helped hand the presidency to Trump the first time with the no links between Russia and Trump and the Hilary email drumbeat.
It is impossible to separate the NYT ed board from the NYT’s clear financial motivations.
It honestly reads like fanfic on the NYT's part.