ok city ok

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ok city ok


Thanks, Mom
But our aunt, who did swoop in and contribute mightily to this thing, pointed out that our uncle did us all a favor by not being there to disapprove of the lovely tearful funny heartfelt thing we did for my mom
But our aunt, who did swoop in and contribute mightily to this thing, pointed out that our uncle did us all a favor by not being there to disapprove of the lovely tearful funny heartfelt thing we did for my mom
My mom’s older brother emailed to say he wouldn’t be attending the funeral, but solemnly assured me that he’d “always consider her as a member of the family.” My cousin and I noted that if he had gone first and our mothers had opted out of his funeral, we would judge them harshly indeed
No one put aside a single tangible thing to remember him by. I don’t know where his remains are. He just got deleted from this earth. I’m grateful I could do the work of holding a service for my mom and give her a worthy send off together with people she meant something to
I had talked to him the day before he suddenly died (not COVID) and it was like he checked every box that you’d want checked the last time you ever see someone. And then—a fuzzy livestreamed service during which his children were never mentioned
I don’t mean to be weird but I’m grateful to my mom for lasting as long as she did. My father died in 2021 when it was impossible to travel home and watching his funeral online at 2am was not an experience I’d recommend, emotional stabilitywise
My mom died a few months ago and this song commentary by Wayne Coyne collided with me head on at 70mph
My mom died a few months ago and this song commentary by Wayne Coyne collided with me head on at 70mph
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“Now that we know felons can be white, we’re massive fans of crime.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
I am still committed to purchasing a pair of coveralls for daily wear as soon as summer fucks back off to hell. I have not forgotten my promise to the American people
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reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
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"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
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This feels like it has BlueSky energy
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Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
The NYT is even now pre-writing their view-from-nowhere “How Democrat Panic Tipped Election to Trump” articles
there is literally no organization I trust less than NYT right now to interpret Biden’s thinking
The NYT commentators are doing the thing again where they take Trump’s incoherent rants and paraphrase them like they’re an executive summary of a policy white paper
Oh no—the crowning moment of my would-be rock stardom in 1990s Austin Texas was pulling strings to get Kinky to autograph a book for my dad. He signed it “Yours in Christ, Kinky ✡️” RIP
Where’s the joy in that
I’m the Luxembourg Kid and I’m here to say Why don’t all those Arizonans just move away
Are these "don't live where it's not ideal for comfortable human survival" arguments telling all 8 billion of us to just stay in a very thin hemispheric belt around the world? People are born where they are.
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One of the worst ways to get stabbed is repeatedly
I just spent an hour recording two sentences in a barely passable British accent and have a newfound respect for actors who do this for entire movies. My best efforts spanned the gamut from “extremely gay Roger Moore” to “Cajun spy impersonating Crocodile Dundee”
Reposted byAvatar ok city ok
I keep seeing a factoid to the effect that the euro area and the US economies were the same size in 2008, but America is now 44 percent bigger. Folks, that’s just the exchange rate. At purchasing power parity, nothing like that has happened
The Jimi Hendrix Familiarity
Make a band milder Kilodeth
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i never know what to do when someone tries to fist bump me, so i just slowly put their fist in my mouth
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*dumps cooler of embalming fluid on funeral director’s head after a tasteful service*
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In English, brushing strands of hair over a bald spot is called a combover, but in Mandarin you could describe it with the phrase 地方支持中央. It means “the localities support the central government”   Read on for more international phrases about hair and hairstyles (a thread)…
The only thing he bothers to describe about the girl in the song is a smell she left on his bed, so maybe not all that different
imagine, if you will, instead of singing "the shape of you" he sang "the shape of poop" - whole different song
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getting the feeling we made a mistake installing a philosopher-king. he locks himself in his tower and only comes out to say shit like, “I cannot disprove the idea that I am but a brain in a jar?” wow holy shit man, that’s crazy. did you have any ideas about the fucking grain shortage
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Reposted byAvatar ok city ok
My mom has a transgender friend and my grandmother pointed her out in a picture by saying "there's Joanne, she used to be Jeff" in the same tone of voice she'd use to say someone was from Albany.
You would think a school that has its own police force would expect those cops to know fundamental things about the school, like the schedule, the layout, the location of the classroom keys, etc. The (probably) highest-paid public servants in Uvalde put seemingly no effort into their jobs
Another thing that struck me after reading the reports was the utter absence of the school principal. I don’t think I ever ran across their name. It was like there was no coordination whatsoever between the school admin and the school cops