
NEW: Justice Clarence Thomas Acknowledges He Should Have Disclosed Free Trips From Billionaire Donor The trips include vacations in Indonesia and at the exclusive, men’s-only Bohemian Grove retreat, which were first reported by ProPublica last year.
Justice Clarence Thomas Acknowledges He Should Have Disclosed Free Trips From Billionaire The trips include vacations in Indonesia and at the exclusive, men’s-only Bohemian Grove retreat, which were first reported by ProPublica last year.
Time to impeach this compromised judge.
If we only had the votes to do it, which we don't without taking a lot more Senate seats this November. You need about 68 votes in the Senate to impeach someone. The Dems have 50 with VPOTUS as the tie-breaker since Manchin went Independent.The ballot box is the path to a genuine Senate majority.
Do it for the spotlight. The ensuing investigations, disclosure may force him to resign.
Thomas won't resign. Neither will Alito. Shamelessness is a GOP superpower, and they'll just sneer back from behind their lifetime appointments and double-down. Neither man is capable of embarrassment. Just grievance.
gonna need more than numbers. you are gonna need numbers who willing to do this! in other words democrats that actually care enough to do this. prospects are dim.
You would think they would recognize their own existence as Dems would require it.
Crow and others like him need to face accountability as well. This has all gone too far as they push it even more!
It isn’t illegal to gift your friends, I don’t think. It is Thomas’s issue for not reporting said gifts, I believe
Said gifts are either taxable or non taxable. In his case for 1 he was gifted an expensive RV this is a taxable tangent item. Others such as having his mother's house bought and he living there, hard to prove. Providing education for an adopted son, taxable. There are many more.
Yes. But Thomas had to report. Not Crow, right?
Depends on how the money was given.
Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode: George gets a job at Pendant Publishing and has sex with the cleaning woman. When Lipman fires him, he asks, incredulously, “was that wrong?“.
IT's almost like he wants us to think he should sit on the highest court of the land but doesn't understand simple legal matters...
He understands them fine, he just thinks powerful people should be above the law.
And by “powerful people” he means him and his wife specifically.
And other fascists and the billionaires who bribe him.
I said wants US to think. He's apologizing for not reporting things he knows should have been reported and (before being reported) should never have happened.
Ahh, I misunderstood what you were saying.
They don't care--they gettin' paid.
It’s not that. He understands them fine. He just doesn’t care. He knows there will be no consequences. And there won’t.
Breaking frikkin' news. Not only has he led or chimed in on some truly awful decisions, he is doing irreparable damage to faith in the impartiality and wisdom of the court. I used to think that even when I disagreed with the outcome, the Justices had thought it through carefully. Used to.
I similarly thought that regardless of previous political affiliations or loyalties, a Supreme Court Justice would recognize (and respect) the gravitas inherent in such a position within the government. But yeah... not so much anymore.
Over his time on the Supreme Court his salary was just over $4 million and the gifts he received accounted to $4 million. Thomas doubled his income taking bribes.
Thomas likely owes millions in taxes and penalties and can/should be prosecuted.
Maybe SCOTUS conservatives will include dicta in their Trump immunity opinion(s) re immunity for SCOTUS justices, lol.
I, Clarence Thomas, hereby admit that I should have disclosed those couple of small, tiny vacations. Nothing else to see here. Please move along.
It's really bad, huh? Hard to fathom...
He's why we need ways to remove Justices that's not dumb, like impeachment is, given how partisan it is.
I’m cool with removing the rot and/or packing the court with non-corrupt justices. Being part of Fed Soc should be a disqualifying factor.
The court has been packed by republicans. It needs to be UNpacked by adding noncorrupt justices.
Next he should acknowledge that he should resign
It's stunningly obvious that it's the right thing to do, but the bar has been lowered by/for these RW nut jobs to the point where it no longer exists.
You have to dig really deep to get under it.
And paid taxes on them? The quote about prostitution comes to mind: “We’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over the price.”
Sex workers are much more honest. They’re not saying “yes money was received and sex was had, but the idea that the two are connected is, to me, offensive”
No, of course not.
Imagine how long this would have gone on if there had been no press on the topic...
The fact that he finally admits it publicly doesn't undo the previous damage, nor does it protect against future harm. Why should people honor any of his rulings or votes if he appears corrupt?
I guess accepting bribes is not Criminal.
Having friends is totally legal. I wish I had friends like Harlan Crow, minus the Hitler stuff
"Man who is supposed to be extremely highly intelligent when it comes to both the Spirit & Letter of the US law AND command extremely deft problem solving skills finally admits that he understands a basic piece of foundation of knowledge that even the dumbest of us could sniff out
Too late Clarence. You've already sold yourself out to the Farthest Right Pimp in America.
Bohemian Grove?? Alex Jones and the Qanon crew etc won't like that will they? Actually they won't give a fuck because he's one of theirs. He could cut a live goats throat and drink the blood on 5th Avenue and 'Christians' would be strangely silent