H. Pettijohn

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H. Pettijohn


Fossil illustrator, paleontology educator, and Psittacosaurus enjoyer. 25, she/they.
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Our team is in the middle of photographing and editing a whole bunch of species for the educational database! Here's a small snippet of what's to come!
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Not quite what they mean for #InsertAnInvert2024 by a subterranean #invertebrate but nonetheless an animal that spends a considerable amount of its lifecycle below ground. 🐡🧪🌿 This is a small handmade linocut print of a large, well-loved, well-known insect with a long song. Tibicen canicularis, 🧵1/
Finished up Tobias' accessories! Just about everything he owns has been scrounged off of someone else.
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Reference for Tobias' clothes. He's picked these up over the years, whether from skeletons who had no use for it anymore or from vagrants he's served justice to. They, uh, don't smell great
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Juniper, a cursed unicorn! Ever since losing her horn, her appearance and magic have been all out of sorts. #dungeonsanddragons #dnd
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trying to figure out what juniper's true form would look like
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Designed my undead gunslinger's horse from when he was still alive!
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GORGEOUS gift art of my gunslinger, Tobias, by @thedinosaurmann.bsky.social! Thank you so, so much, between his expression and the muted tones, you've really captured him so well! ❤️
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I still dig this stained-glass-style portrait of my dragonborn paladin I drew back in 2020
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At long last, I have finished this piece for Augs on bsky of her character named Monty. Her design is beautifully peculiar, and I couldn't hold back my imagination cx
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Alt Text is something that’s discussed a lot when it comes to little things that you can do to help disabled folks out on all social spaces. Considering it’s Disability Pride Month, take the time to listen to disabled folks when they say there are things you can do to help like in this thread! 👇🏾
I understand the need for emojis to flag MA posts to the appropriate feeds but there are quite a few of you just spamming them. Next time you type a whole line of emojis, read them all out loud, full name, one by one. Now imagine having to use a screen reader and coming across that mess.
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Bajadasaur in caliche forest. A4. Piece for the upcoming artbook. This started out as Amargasaurus on a saltflat, but researching saltflats, I stumbled across caliche forests and thought they looked really cool. And looking at sail-necked sauropods, I remembered Bajadasaurus. Original available.
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#InsertAnInvert2024 Subterranean - Surface Creatures that live deep underground often have close relatives that still live on the surface. These surface dwellers typically look "normal" and lack the strange features that their subterranean cousins have. 🎨 🐡
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This fossil is housed at the Natural History Museum of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah. I posted this fella last year, but it's such a neat fossil that it deserves a repost! (2/2)
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Happy #FossilFriday, check out this Allosaurus fossil with amethyst growing at its center! It's likely water rich with silica and a touch of iron leeched into the bone during the fossilization process, allowing the growth of crystals over time. (1/2) #paleontology #geology #dinosaur
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These fossils are housed at the Natural History Museum of Utah and were on display for an event. IIRC, I was told the marks are most likely from a crocodylian, but since I'm not 100% sure, I didn't want to include it in the first post! (2/2)
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Happy #FossilFriday, check out some bite marks on these Gryposaurus fossils! Scavengers would have left behind these tooth marks as they consumed these animals, most likely post-mortem. (1/2) #paleontology #dinosaur
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Most living theropods, birds, still have pads on their feet that vary in size and shape. Pictured below are four-toed (anisodactyl) bird tracks with small pads, found in southern Utah. The track in the previous post is housed at the St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site in St. George, Utah. (2/2)
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Happy #FossilFriday! Did you know that many theropod dinosaurs have thick pads on the bottom of their feet? Much like the paw pads of dogs and cats, these probably helped cushion their footfalls and assisted in gripping the ground when running. (1/2) #paleontology #ichnology #dinosaur
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Also loved this waterbuck sketch, but I never got around to finishing it! All illustrations are based on photos from Tsavo East National Park, taken by a friend of mine.
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Grayscale hyena and zebra studies #art #hyena #zebra
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🦕 NEW TAT FLASH 🦖 Snag all these dead boys for only $6.50 or more. Take a pic or few to your fav tattoo artist and have em work their magic. Grab em here 👇 ko-fi.com/s/4a5e1d736e
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For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
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No eraser challenge with a partial white-tail buck skeleton. Tough, but fun!
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Another deer lol. Based on a random YouTube recommend of the most pregnant piebald doe I've ever seen.
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Experimenting with what one might expect from unicorns in my accursed worldbuilding project. This bull clearly has elk in his recent ancestry. #Junicorn2024 #Unicorn #Art #CreatureDesign #Beafts #Julearts
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Leopard gecko ceratosaurus! I got quite a few doodle comms last week, so I’ll be posting the finished ones over next few days. I closed commissions a couple days ago as I’m ready for artfight now <3