
For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
Every time I post about alt text someone will say “but I don’t know how to write descriptions well?!” and I’m honestly tired sharing resources and examples when you could look it up for yourself. Or simply look through my images for examples. I promise trying is better than doing nothing at all.
Here is a really good example/guide on writing alt-text that's been going around :)
Thank you! I didn’t have the energy to find that image again haha
Luckily since alt-text is searchable (a great reason to use alt-text!) it was easy to find. I just searched "alt text capybara" 😄
Good!! So many times the at text has helped me find memes or certain images again because I’ll remember only one or two key words or subject matter.
I'm glad to hear it! Share widely :)
This is really helpful actually! Now I just need to get over the the anxiety attack I have having to articulate what my own art is haha
I'm glad to hear it! I'm sure that you'll feel more confident describing your own art with practice and time :)
Yeah it is important to me that my art is accessible it's just weirdly overwhelming haha! This is gonna help a ton tho ^^
Thanks for sharing, I've never seen this before! Will be thinking about the cute capybara when I next write alt text. 🤭
Was just going to ask…thank you.
This is so helpful, thank you so much for sharing!🙏
I've got some good prompt questions:
Alt text prompt Qs: What would someone who can't see the image need to know about it in order to take part in the conversation? What is it about this image that made you choose it? What are the important details someone who could see the image would take away from it? (Not for images of text.)
And a thread with the history of alt text and how to think about it:
One thing that can help is understanding the goal of alt text—it's not image description. I can't find's exact phrasing, but she says something like the purpose of alt text on social media being to enable people who need alt text to be full participants in the conversation.
Also here's a pretty good guide to doing alt text specifically for art:
Here's my attempt at a guide to writing effective alt and descriptive text for art work on Bluesky. I'll be posting bits of it here as a thread as well for easy sharing. I'm also open to critique and suggestions, so feel free to comment or ask questions! 📌
An attempted guide to writing effective alt and descriptive text for An attempted guide to writing effective alt and descriptive text for works of art on Bluesky.
Great info/resources, thank you!
Yup. It's not enough for us to tell people "do alt text!" and not help them know best practice that's been developed over decades. Some people don't even know alt text is decades old. I wrote the history thread because someone who thought it was only a year or two old asked me to.
Thank you for this! The photos I post are more than just functional images so this will be very useful in refining my image description practices.
My sister and I used to have a game where one of us would draw something then describe it to the other who would try to draw it too! Then we would compare! We didn’t realize I was training for alt text! Haha!
Gartic Phone is all about this!
I’ve seen people say, “describe the image the way you would to a friend who isn’t looking at the picture with you.” :) also fun trick for people writing the alt text, make a note or document to hold any alt text for an image that you may post multiple times! 🙏🏻💜🩷
As a rule I don't like or repost anything without alt text. It is tough sometimes, but I decided to take a stand on that. Thanks to everyone who enables this setting and makes a point to share the info. Thanks Bree <3
Same, I stopped reposting anything without alt text because I want my space to be accessible.
Do you suppose anyone cares whether I alt text porn? I do, but honestly I wonder whether I'm just talking to myself.
I’d say yes, all images should have alt text. Plenty of people use/appreciate alt text even if they don’t say so
Anyone who uses a screen reader to browse the web and is trying to check out your posts will care! Even if it's "just" porn :)
I wish I had the wherewithal to write truly spicy alt text :)
you never know, that might be something you'd have fun practicing ;)
I tried. It’s all than I can manage most mornings to post what I do. What I really need is to find someone who likes writing smutty haiku …
Did I hear somebody say smutty haiku? 😂 Your photography is amazing, no alt texts can do the photos justice, but a brief description wouldn’t hurt.
I care incredibly, very much! alt text comes up in search too, giving hot skeets new life when people search their fave things!
Thank you for saying so!
I'm also curious if people prefer more flowery alt text for nsfw images?
Wait, there's now an option to make the alt text box a readable size again? That's such good news!! This should have been hyped more.
Yep, it was just in the last update!
Nice! I didn't know this was a setting, I always forget so this'll help a lot!
Same, this setting is so helpful
And double plays - it’s great just to explain your work too like identifying a character or a place Helps everyone 🖤
It's a setting that should be opt-out rather than opt-in, honestly. Accessibility should always be an upfront concern, and it would send a message that this is a place that's at least trying to be inclusive.
Ooo a larger alt text badge, much better than clicking at lil tiny.
Yeah a lot of people (rightfully) complained when they made the badge so much smaller and I’m so glad there’s an option now for whichever size you prefer!
but also! !!! i love that bsky automatically displays the alt text, even if you don't click on the label, unlike some other places. then you can tap the image to display or hide the text.