
yup. one of the definining attitudes of the trump era has been having no creativity in thinking of ways to deal with him but inifnite creativity when it comes to rationalizing why its smart not to do anything
It mostly annoys me that folks seem unable to process that while they're saying "the system can't treat him as a normal defendant because he is dangerous", that the reality is closer to "he is dangerous because the system has repeatedly refused to treat him like a normal defendant".
yes! "he is a criminal who has committed a bunch of clumsy crimes in addition to being a fascist with dangerous politics" is treated like its a moral dilemma instead of a two-birds-one-stone freebie
If the legal and political regime can’t accommodate bringing someone to even what passes for white collar justice, it’s broken
Which isn’t to say that it would be easy or risk free but honestly a polity where some large percentage of citizens are contemplating violent action in defense of DONALD F TRUMP is one where a shared adherence to a uniform fact picture has already fled.
Honestly it’s all treated like a series of fun personality quirks akin to Reagan liking jelly beans.
See also: Brett Kavanaugh
(rockwell guy) i think they should continue until we get a bette midler em-dash take from our big wet boy
"what is the harm in humoring him?" pwnallthethings
[Neville Chamberlain “peace in our time” pic goes here]
The idea that it's difficult to arrest & prosecute someone in America, of all places! It's an insult to everyone who slows down when they see a cop
In a sane and just society, Trump's fat ass would have been thrown in the clink on January 7.
There shouldn't even be an Executive. The Articles of Confederation were far superior to the Constitution, but the oligarchs didn't approve, so they pulled their strings and made a big stink.
The frustration of liking the same essential argument over and over again without any effective change is today's version of Dante. If you don't vote every single election, your "like" functionality should be suspended. We are incentivizing the wrong things, spending time in the wrong places.
My take: throw the book at him, treat him the way you and I would be treated, because whatever his strategy is ... he's kind of proven that he has really, really bad strategy in the past. Why should we worry that this might play into what he wants? His track record is ... not good.
Yes!! Finally!! That’s what I was thinking but couldn’t put in words! Thank you!
The System treated hitler like royalty, too. This is how you get hitlers.
Right. I kinda feel like he’s correct to say that they’re doing this fraud thing in NY because he was president. He’s been doing biz this way for decades. And his dad did before him!