
Instead of watching trauma videos, write to your congressman and donate to a charity an amount that feels uncomfortably large for you
I promise you both will help more
I've never understood how watching a video of someone being brutalized is supposed to be of any help to that person. It's also quite clearly cooperating with the brutalizers, who are the ones who made the video, and wanted people to watch it. Certainly the victim never consented to that.
Except in very context-specific situations where it is your job--and if you're just on SM it is not--it is not helping anyone. It comes from an attempt to feel the pain of the victims but you don't. It comes from the selfish desire to recenter events back to yourself when you are not the focus
Folks don't like to hear it, but the two things you can do to help are to (1) use your political power--which unless you're elected--is most directly by contacting your direct representatives for collective action (2) use your financial power to help, which means giving dollars to charities.
Everything else is your main character syndrome poking its head through. Those two are enough. Those two are the ways you can help. If it still doesn't feel like enough, write a second letter, and donate again.
Maybe you or people reading can help me think through this one: what do people mean when they tell me they want to create "alternative systems and communities"? When I ask I don't get clear or good answers, but I'm sure there's a strong version of this idea out there. (Eg. DM from friend attached).
I would add voting, running for office, and volunteering.
I also vote for volunteering and/or working for places that are doing the work. I've done both in the past, and while that's not an option for all the issues (we only have so much time), it's still a good way to put your time where your mouth is.
Yup, I call it "boring" but the most effective actions just don't hit anyone's main character button.
It’s taking a good idea (people should be informed about what is happening, we shouldn’t stick our heads in the sand) to an untrue and unhelpful extreme. Which social media tends to reward.
while i agree that people do not need to subject themselves to watching the videos, it's important to note that it's Gazans & Gazan journalists who have shared & documented the events referenced (who want the world to see what is happening). Israel has so far downplayed events
You're right; I was thinking about videos made by attackers, which I've also seen people urging others to watch to appreciate "what the victims suffered".
Better yet: CALL your Congress critters
Could I add to your followers that calling, emailing, and writing your Reps and Senators is more important than you can imagine. I do it. When I do I am specific, I lean on them, but ALWAYS respectful. They must hear from you. Thank you.
Me when I don't spend all my free time looking at dead babies on the internet
It’s getting late in the election cycle but also open your wallet to politicians campaigning on peace. If the voices calling for more bloodshed gain numbers in November it will have a chillingly effect going forward
Yes, please donate, I lost my relatives a long while ago, and I am dirt poor, and rarely have money to donate to save other people... anyone donating to save the lives of others really lifts a weight off my shoulders and a terrible burden off my fellow Palestinians. Actions are better than watching.
Instead of watching trauma videos stop talking to your relatives that will vote Donald Trump
Watch you don't pick a charity that advertised it's way to the top of the lists of charities people know. Having more go to advertising than the progress they stand for