
Kathy Hochul tells reporters that congestion pricing would increase "the cost of a piece of pizza"
wut? aren't overnight commercial vehicles exempt??
Nearly! 75% off. $9 instead of $36
And it's not like these delivery trucks drive in to go to a single business. $9 is nothing, but $9 distributed among multiple businesses is truly nothing
and typically holds more than one pizza worth of ingredients
but what about the drivers who come into Manhattan to pick up exactly one pizza, then drive into Jersey to deliver it.
$8 pizza $158 delivery charge someone please help my family is starving
Don't forget the people in New Jersey who are forced to drive to midtown to go to a diner since NJ is a diner desert!
it's true, NJ has literally no food. Their closest restaurant is a Taco Bell in Times Square
It's incredible not only that she was dumb enough to do this, but that she seemed to have no plan for a backlash, or even a clear explanation.
FFS just go on TV and say "Hello, it is I, your governor. Alas, I fucked up, it was dumb, I'm sorry. I reverse my decision, because it was dumb"
Instead we just get endless obviously dumb excuses. "I said no because an angel appeared to me in a dream and told me if the congestion charge were introduced, dragons would attack. You wanna risk that?!? Also it would cause the Empire State to blow over in a storm, and make subway fares cost $80"
Or honestly, if you're worried about optics, just do "I am ordering a review into this that will report to me two days after the election, but not, y'know, because of the election. By total coincidence. Two days after the election they will tell me to go for it."
When a politicians does something dumb and offers dumb excuses despite overwhelming criticism, it may well be that they're simply bought.
Isn't that the plot of Q?
act like you're listening! "After careful consideration, despite my concerns, I have decided to listen to my constituents and move forward with the congestion price and we will work with business owners and those affected to ease the burden as we transition to a new era for New York City"
The way she's acting is consistent with making decisions under duress. I genuinely think she's been threatened in a way that she can't protect herself from.
Or don't say anything! Just avoid the damn cameras! It's one thing to make stupid decisions. It's another thing to absolutely suck at the most basic elements of politics. Hochul is like a pitcher who falls three times on the way to the mound.
It's just endlessly doubling down. It's nuts
My respect for any politician who did this would shoot through the roof
I think that will happen on November 6.
The longer this goes on the more I'm convinced that NYPD is threatening her family like they did with de blasio.
Facts. I worked for a bank in Edison at one point and were having to take the train into the City for every meal. It really cut into our work time.
It's so sad. NJ is a proud state, but alas, no food
The best pancakes I ever had were in a you know what in Jersey, and as a Pennsylvanian I don’t say that lightly. We have diners but you have to acknowledge greatness.
They are laying the groundwork for a Tri-State war. This is like Milosevic in Kosovo in 1988 byt the Tri State Area and Pizzas. It will end with a Nato bombing campaign and a Hague tribunal.
The dirty water dog cart outside the Port Authority sometimes has a line of starving Jerseyites that stretches to Tribeca.
No no, not one pizza. One "PIECE" of pizza.
$8 for a slice, not outside the realm of possibility for sbarro at Newark.
$8 pizza in NYC? That’s the slice price. 🤓