
Sotomayor says this decision gives the US president a "loaded weapon" to use for his own interests. "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."
I'm afraid even a dissent like this written in plain language is not enough. I think it's time for KBJ, Sotomayor, and Kagan to draw straws for which of them is going to hold a press conference or even go on the news shows and just say plainly to the American people what is happening.
The S Ct is just a superlegislature now, and I'm failing to understand what's gained from waiting for legal conference Q&As or whatever to speak directly to Americans. Being chums with the other Justices isn't reaping many gains Time to pull the curtain back and raise the alarm through all channels
I think Americans get this spectacular failure. And rightfully FEAR it. They're coming for EVERYONE who doesn't agree with their theocracy. IVF. Birthcontrol. No fault divorce. LBGTQ & minorities already feel their impact. They are attacking our fundamental right to PRIVACY
They would tell you the Constitution has no guaranteed right of privacy. I would counter that the constitution gives them no power to enforce their rulings. If Georgia goes ahead and convicts Trump, and imprisons him, and SCOTUS says "Release him," Georgia can tell SCOTUS to fuck off.
From now on every state should simply ignore the Supreme Court and tell them to fuck off.
I was trying to come up with civil disobedience that many would practice. We all stop showing up for court? I do know. But we need to do something big and meaningful.
Meant to say I don't know. Thanks for your vote of confusion, autocorrect.
OMG, it changed confidence to confusion. This is getting comical.
My nemesis forever. Autocorrect. My typos ARE bad enuff. But auto makes everything worse!🤔🙀
Tx has been for years. Except THIS kind of crap. But Tx is severe ex of minority rule over majority. This can't continue much longer. SA has rejected GOP soundly. Rest of Tx will reflect SA demographics within 10 yrs & I believe will revolt as strongly as our city/County govt has done.
Ah, but therein lies the rub with the latest ruling. The Trumpism of Georgian election interference may be deemed by a GOP friendly judge (can't believe that is a thing) to have been a presidential conversation. Sad, but possible.
Right of privacy HAS been eradicated many times- despite this fact. Roe was based steeply in privacy. Many other desc as well
The 3 non-GOP Justices ought to collectively resign in protest. Make it clear that the alternative in this election is "the GOP SCOTUS majority singlehandedly running this country for the rest of history". Treating these rulings as business-as-usual via harshly worded dissents only legitimizes it.
Remember, they all took great pains to assure us that they are all great friends
Yeah, they treat all these dissents as abstract ideological debates. Their solidarity is in "being set for fucking life" not in the letter at the end of the name of the president who appointed them
They'll all still be smiling and looking regal in their robes at their next photo op.
100% agree. Normal doesn’t apply anymore. Normal is what got us here in the first place.
Don't worry. They won't do anything like that. 🙂
1000% agree. Is there any restrictions on their speech? Even if there was it should be ignored immediately and mocked. They need to speak up and the fact that conservative justices can do this and just go on vacation is fucking insane. They should have to answer for these monumental decisions.