Brian Griffith

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Brian Griffith

Fleeing the birdsite before it burns down.
How can he be Ratatouilled without a hat
I am all for Biden articulating a number of reforms everyone wants simply because he's forced to show he can ARTICULATE.
Like for all his warts he's the most pro-labor president we've had in yonks and there have been meaningful reforms on his watch! Tell us about it! Tell us what you did for us and what you'll do for us! I'm begging!
It's what they did to Fred Sr. as well...
Congratulations, right-wing pearl clutchers. You broke up Tenacious D.
I love the conceit that nobody knows who the Starlight Kid is and NOBODY EVER WILL.
Thine arguments are mid at best Save us some time, give it a rest You might just think 'twas all in jest But consider now your timeline blessed
Well, one bad day couldn't flip Jim Gordon. Bruce Wayne already had his one bad day. That's why Batman exists.
I feel like in his mind he didn't get credit for it so he hates vaccines now.
Increasingly, cis people know trans people. People have trans friends, trans relatives. Trans people are people we love and want to keep in our lives. And the people who want to eliminate the people we love won't catch us sleeping anymore.
Also I will 100% judge the sticker guy.
Honestly think the movie put him over the top. Trump eats that stuff up.
Every so often Dew does a lemonade flavor that's just tart enough and comes in zero sugar and apparently I'm the only person who buys them.
It has to be from the Satire region of France, or it's just sparkling irony.
I cannot help but notice that the "extra" deportee tally seems rather similar to the margins by which Republicans tend to lose national elections.
"We need to have faith in American institutions" says outlet which has systematically undermined faith in American institutions.
Aw, it's just the prime season for zucchini/courgettes. I tend to like zucchini bread/muffins warmed up with a pat of butter.
More chocolate, or are these zucchini?
I still think someone missed a beat by not turning it into a game show.
Indeed, that's kind of Trump's MO. The recent cases are the exception, and he historically almost always drags it out until it's moot or settles.
And likely she gets a bit of a break because she was taking direction from a Supreme Court Justice. Which is why nominees at ALL levels of the court system was the ultimate GOP project.
Or perhaps just that game recognizes game, and grift recognizes grift.
Yeah, in hindsight I didn't mean to pile all that on you.
Well, you say "misused" but I have been led to believe the damn things are useless for hunting and the accessory market is heavily geared to at least making them *look* milspec and lethal. So even the most charitable view of their "proper" use is... unflattering.
Which is honestly surreal, because the first one was intentionally based on a retro concept. Then again, maybe that's why it aged better.
The article, and I don't recommend even trying to read it unless you want to get mad, is a whole lot of mealy-mouthed both-sides rhetoric that tries to frame this as both parties needing to clean up their acts but somehow only has things the Democratic Party needs to do.
As I recall, due to the fact that they only give you so many elbows, the trick is putting the magnets in the elbow joint itself?
Just plain screwing up is always a hell of a lot more likely than anything coordinated.