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With an /o/ - many interests... politics - communication - education - writer and reader - NZer in Canada - COVID-conscious - she, her, they, them - [email protected] - @qui_oui
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I would like to say that it kind of fucks a kid up when he grows up thinking that his parents, at least some of the time, view him as a set of "behavioral problems" and invest a lot of time and money in "fixing" those problems.
so like can we collectively agree that anyone who identifies as an “autism mom” fucking sucks lol
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Don’t do this.
“See, I ask people to argue for their right to exist and add ‘ai.’” Innovation!
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Someone in San Antonio, TX reached out to me today because she has a sweet, magical boy with FIV who desperately needs a home ASAP. In fact, he's so sweet that his name is Sweet Boy. Look at that face - he obviously just wants love! 💔 (continued with more info)
I would like a full day (and night) without the temperature hitting "feels like" 30-40C, thanks. I am done with this summer.
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I just found this in the archives and thought people might appreciate a #WorstBirdPic. I almost deleted it before realizing there is technically a bird in it. lol #birds 🌿 #PlacesBirdsWereTwoSecondsAgo #PhotographyFails
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squirrel who is weary of the discourse #sqrlpix
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📢EXCELLENT RESOURCE KLAXON📢 V. Hitchman & teams' #EarlyModern parish data inc. 🗃️ 1) Spreadsheet listing ALL parishes in England and Wales, with maps showing them 2) individual spreadsheets for all counties, showing survival/finding info for churchwarden accounts
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I am pleased to report that Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne has reached out to me to let me know that "Fred in need of snacks" is actually named Orbell who "loves making friends" and definitely does not need snacks 😂
I know there's a lot going on but I made a new friend today, this is Fred they were as tall as my knees and expected me to have snacks 🙃
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"So, confidential discussion. Super confidential." Woman on a call next to me at this airport gate who now has my complete attention
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I had the best co-workers.
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See been skeeting about this over the last week watching the tour stages. Slowly masks were appearing, then banning handshakes, riders dropping out because of “illness,” and now finally they are instituting more precautions. I worry about the Olympics in just a few weeks, it’s going to be bad!
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The intersection of race & disability must be discussed more. I have seen many white folks in the disability community be hella problematic towards Black folks, esp those with hidden (often deliberately hidden for our safety) struggles. Everything is connected. We must think intersectionally.
An analysis of federal student arrest data “found that Black and indigenous students faced school-based arrests at rates two to three times higher than those of their white counterparts. Among demographic groups, the report found, the arrest rate was particularly stark for boys with disabilities.”
New Report: School Cops Double Student Arrest Rates and Race, Gender Key Government watchdog reveals students twice as likely to be arrested when officers are present and their race, gender and disability play pivotal role.
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you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table
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Someone giving a literal keynote critiquing the history of eugenics, while unmasked, at a conference with no precautions. I wish it were a joke.
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"I'm a human! I have a second house just for my car and stare at glowing pieces of plastic all day!"
"Dis what u look liek, hoomin" Squirrel of the Day for July 13, 2024 #sqrlpix
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he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming
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Dear god, shut the fuck up.
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Good my lord, put your discourse into some frame, and start not so wildly from my affair.
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It is when I’m attending scientific conferences that I most acutely feel the loss of Twitter. It was such a great tool for maximizing the value of a conference, and for making the work shared there broadly accessible.
Ugh, I managed to catch a techlash thread tweet before I had time to mute the author #BlueskyProblems
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All seven of Dickinson State's full-time nursing faculty resigned over a new university requirement that they generate 320 student credit hours each year. The president accused the faculty of wanting to "work less hard" than others. The faculty have the leverage in a high-demand field. Stay tuned
All of Dickinson State's nursing faculty All seven full-time nursing faculty members at Dickinson State University in North Dakota resigned Wednesday in response to high workloads and accreditation concerns, according to KFYR-TV, Bismarck’s ...
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Seeing some of the responses to Wagatwe’s thoughtful post on how Kenyans use Twitter helps me understand why more Kenyans are not on here. We are simply unimaginable to some people. Abstractions of jungles and safaris.
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I was just saying to a friend, someone who was horrified by a prominent person’s wretched behavior (but this individual was fine/good to my friend)—I said, “never forget, these people choose the targets of their generosity & goodwill & appreciation as carefully as they choose their abuse targets.”
I think all the time about the interviewer who asked Meryl Streep “how did you not know about Weinstein” and she was like “I didn’t know because he NEEDED me not to know” it isn’t a character flaw to have been deceived by someone who is a deceit expert cultivating the cover of your faith & goodwill
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It’s weird to see a headline about the murders of three women in their home by a man who seems to have been known to them, and the headline is about outlawing the highly specific weapon used. I don’t think the crossbow is the problem here.