Anyanka ✨️✨️✨️

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Anyanka ✨️✨️✨️

Decides on felonies or ice cream in the car #teamorca
Avi by @riotgrlerin
Sometimes goes by heidi
So, my insurance refuses to cover Ozempic or any other brand namebrands unless you have diabetes. Not helpful. Funny thing is, there have been other weightloss pills that were not thoroughly tested years ago all the insurance companies jumped to cover, only to find out they caused heart issues
The amount of people who escaped or were only sentenced to prison for being nazi concentration camp guards will shock you. Nevermind all the ones the "allies" gave refuge to for political reasons They let nazis work in our govts
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Wtf is happening here? And yes my windshield is dirty
if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
So fun to watch the world falling to fascism when its been drilled into our heads that fascism is bad. Which really makes you see just how many people dont understand what fascism is and that capitalism is just a sibling to fascism
My Lady Jane is one of the best shows I've watched this year Incredible Chemistry ✅️ Fun ✅️ Interesting plot ✅️ Horny AF ✅️ Delightful side characters ✅️ It's on #PrimeVideo
Turns out bread flour does make a difference
*immediately orders lederhosen from amazon and books flight to Germany*
frankly i think we should look at how many jobs are less beneficial than playing with your cat
I just want a cat A home that doesnt cost me a fortune And to live my life to see fit. Instead I'm stuck in a neoliberalist, moneygrubbing capitalist hellscape where our govts actively fund genocide and prop up billionaires destroying the planet
Can people stop telling us to quit our jobs? One guy saying it's super easy to quit your job and start a business? That's making a pretty big assumption that everyone has a business idea or wants to start a business I hate it here.
i'm starting to think some of you might really be stupid
You ever know.those people, who.if you tell them you have the same condition they make sure you know they have it worse than you when all you wanted to do was talk about it?
I just cannot be bothered to spare the bandwidth for men who seem to think their important in my life. You want to be "my favourite" or whatever... just send money and let me be
The resident crackpot is back on the pedestrian overpass with his ridiculous flags ... saluting ... wrongly I may add
The weekend is almost here, you can stop roleplaying disorders and go home
I had a 50 yo woman think I am in my 30s and lecture me about the times before the internet 😂😂😂😂😂
yo — a lot of the meds many of us are on (SSRIs, hormones, stimulants, various BP meds, etc) increase heat sensitivity — especially if there’s other recreational substances we enjoy at any frequency. do yourselves a solid & check into which meds do this if you’re on any & acclimate accordingly.
PSA to my fellow SSRI takers- we are at increased risk of heatstroke and dehydration. please be Especially careful
My work's extended medical plan is such garbage. Canadian workers get way less benefits than American ones - and cos canadian telecomm companies have decided to get healthcare services providing "tele-counselling" a regular Registered Professional Counsellor isn't covered?
Has anyone done a zombie story/film about how the government says the zombie problem is over and they don't record/publish zombie-related death info anymore and everyone goes back to normal life but vulnerable people keep getting killed by zombies and no one cares, has anyone done that
It's really windy rn... that's my umbrella on my neighbour's deck
ME: [googling Why Do I Have A Migraine?] GOOGLE: You need caffeine. You drink too much caffeine. You need sleep. You sleep too much. You need to eat. Food can cause migraines. The weather changed & you should've figured out how to control that. You need to go back in time and-
Turns out it was the woman who is causing issues ... This note was posted in the lobby
My smoking neighbour was on his deck on speakerphone as I was on the deck listening... him begging I assume now exgf that it was a mistake and saying he loved her multiple times My next door neighbour was also out listening intently 👀👀👀
Oh no... my smoker neighbour talks while in the patio, and I heard him tonight telling his friend he doesn't know what's going on, dhe hasn't filed a victim Impact statement against... me