
Finally read this. The context for the slur makes it entirely believable. But the rest is just as awful. NBC knowingly resurrected a washed up, racist, misogynist, parasitic con man, and presented him to the country as a brilliant, cutting-edge businessman. It felt dirty just reading it.
For 20 Years, I Couldn’t Say What Donald Trump Did on the Set of The Apprentice. Now I The con we pulled on America just won’t die.
The Original Sin that launched Donald Trump as a public figure was the failure of NYC to rebuild Wollman Rink in Central Park for 6 years. It was the most blatant example of graft & incompetence in NY government. Donald Trump built his reputation on getting it done in 3 months. I'm still mad.
So he "got it done" in the sense that someone else did it, another someone else paid for it, and he just smeared his name all over it? He made sure to establish his entire brand early.
Had a coworker in 2016 who honestly believed he was a successful businessman because of that damned show, wasn’t aware that everything he’d touched until that show had failed. Just infuriating.
My mom watched that stupid show because “it’s entertaining!”. She had passed before the election, so we didn’t have to argue about it.
Mark Burnett needs more acrimony for deliberately fostering a racist in a positive light. Viewers of the early seasons of Survivor at least might also recognize his fingerprints on cultural attitudes on race
I meant “scrutiny” but acrimony works even better
He's also the one who owns the "tapes" and controls their storage/destruction etc. NBC aired the show, they didn't produce it or edit it, nor do they own any footage Burnett and Roma Downey are 1st tier Christian nationalists
Yes, the felonious rapist never had a better friend than Jeff Zucker.
no surprise there. I remember having heard in regards to another season of Apprentice, where the final 2 candidates were a black man and a gay man, that rump asked which was better, the n-word or the f-word. 0_o Wonder, if that happened, if there is tape of it too.
The UK had basically the same programme with a guy called Alan Sugar who sits in the Lords and has occasionally done some government work. He's never been a credible contender for any kind of political power because people know the show isn't real. The problem is with America and the GOP.
I mean, Reagan's campaign and White House were openly racist, Bush junior was an incompetent failson the media treated like a salt of the earth regular guy... The problem isn't the Apprentice. It goes so much deeper than that.
This part? We know. But don't pretend like your country is oh so superior and never elects fools, racists, and demagogues. If that were true, we'd want to take lessons! It isn't.
In recent years it's only elected one, against an opponent who struggled to hide his open disdain for the electorate.
Brexit. Farage. That head of lettuce. The Rwanda scheme and Windrush deportations. Maybe watch more local UK news.
Maybe take a look at Farage's electoral history? And Truss was installed by the Tory party and rapidly became extremely unpopular.
To me it's weird that it worked. I used to watch The Apprentice. Trump was always the worst part. Even with them trying to show him as a brilliant, successful businessman, he always came off as a dolt who just happened to be rich with terrible taste.
I seriously did not think anyone other than the stupidest bottom layer of humanity could have watched that show and thought Trump looked like a genius. But it turns out about 40% of voters are tied for last in both brains and decency.
I look at other reality TV shows now and wonder which of them could be president in 16 years.
Honestly, feels like we could do worse.
Mike cutting a promo on inauguration day about how they made him change clothes in the hallway and now he hangs his suits in the oval office would be the greatest moment in modern democracy.
President Parma Lakshmi to a would be dictator: “Please take your knives and go.”
I'm SO glad Gordon Ramsey is British.... 🙀
The UK is working toward elections - just saying. Come on Gordon, do it for the laughs!
Okay, I admit the idea of Gordon Ramsey putting Liz Truss's, Rishi Sunak's, Boris Johnson's or Sir! Keir Starmer's head between two slices of bread and calling them an "Idiot Sandwich" is not without it charms.... If you guys are up for the constant stream of abuse? Sure, why not MP Gordon Ramsey?
Same. I actually couldn’t finish it because of my disdain for the writer’s justifications for aiding a abetting Trump’s rise. “Lying to the public is just what we do! It’s ok because we entertained people!”. Fuck that guy.
We're prob lucky RFK Jr didn't have a reality show before now (at least not the network televised type).
The media have been complicit in his for 40-50 years.
Noel Casler broke his Apprentice NDA years ago and spilled all the tea. Fun writer. Oddly, trump never went after him.
I remember it being on. I stopped watching after just a few episodes because it was clear, even from the curated and edit image, that his expectations and culture valued amorality and not virtue. I wanted no part in supporting that.
Don't forget Jeff Zucker was CEO of NBC when the Appreciate started and rode Trump's con for the money. At CNN, he platformed Trump more than other candidates because the vileness continued to sell. As long as they all continue making money, social damage is immaterial.
This quote in the article describes Trump's entire life.
This is exactly how I expected it to be. Fake. From 0 to end. Fake. Just like the man.
The fact that this show enjoyed outstanding ratings while Arrested Development struggled every year tells you everything about American culture you need to know.
Technically, it was the GOP who resurrected the Monster from the Id.
2nd worst thing NBC has ever done, worst being Alec Baldwin’s Trump impression on SNL
The biggest con wasn't on the American people; but on Trump himself. Trump started to believe his own output, he must have loved watching the finished polished product, thinking how great and insightful he looks.
Come home, Les Moonves! All is forgiven! Nah, it's not forgiven. We just see how deep runs the rot in American television.
Was this the inspiration for AI
Easily my favorite quote of the piece, “…his hairstyle—buttressed atop his head with what must be gallons of Aqua Net.”
The only thing of remote value Donald Trump has ever contributed to society came from this TV show. saying "You're Fired" to someone as an expression of disapproval..... I hate that that's HIS saying but fuck it's just good. Even a broken clock is right twice a day I guess.
Which is a funny thing to latch onto, because as this article notes, it wasn't his first impulse!
Figures he couldn't be clever even once... But now I feel even better using it knowing he didn't start that saying.