
Three days after it was revealed that this guy's license was wrongly listed as suspended due to a clerical error, none of the publications listed here (NYT, WP, NYP, USA Today, BBC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC) have issued corrections or updates.
The viral story about a defendant driving with a suspended license was fake Corey Harris' case should never have been a national news story to begin with.
This story went viral in a big way. It's going to follow this guy around in ways that both are and are not apparent to him. These news outlets really need to post updates to the original stories.
Their response: why should this be the only time when accuracy matters to us.
Looks like you picked the wrong day to convince people not to cancel their WaPo subscriptions!
Just awful. Just so very awful.
It was shown on KTLA and all the anchors had a big laugh… 🙄
To be fair, a guy taking his court Zoom call while driving (which is illegal in MI) is still funny.
Did you see this story took another bizarre turn?
The great paradox is I never would’ve heard about this man w/o this corrective post, and likely most who hear the original post won’t see the correction were it made. The best solution is to resist the temptation to race to publish w/o confirmation.
I also had my license suspended even though the “fix it” ticket was on the judges desk for a week. Its all a scam. Nobody gives a rats ass about innocent people. They only want their pounds of flesh!
Pro tip….make lots of money so you can afford a lawyer for your kids so they don’t get railroaded by the police. It will save thousands in insurance premiums.
KIRO 7 in Seattle is running a story on tonight's news on how this was all a big mistake. I know that's not any of the large publications listed, but just wanted to report that at least somebody was trying to update the story
This poor guy. And it never should have been that big of a story.
Oh, this makes me so very angry.
Wait til you find out about literally every single other story they’ve done in the last 60 years.
I still maintain that if his trial was for a suspended license he should not have called from his car. Even if you're right, it makes you look foolish in front of the judge, which is not a good thing.
He probably couldn’t afford an Uber and I bet public transportation sucks where he is. And it sounded like he was going to a dr appointment so who knows how his health could’ve been negatively affected if he missed it. I give him a pass.
Nope. If your license is suspended you don't drive. Find another way. Yes, his license shouldn't have been suspended but it technically was at the time of the hearing. Not sure how this will turn out for him but plenty of judge's would give him a new suspension even if the original was incorrect.
Please try reading: "license suspension lifted in 2022"
Steve Lehto, who practices law in Michigan, explained that the crappy reality is that when the court suspends you it really suspends you, but when it lifts suspension it's your responsibility to take the paperwork to the DMV. So it was ordered lifted, but he didn't do the leg work.
Betting he was never told that.
it wasn’t suspended, did you not read the article?
Wow, what a lack of empathy on top of being wrong. Here in the real world you don't always have another option and you do what you can. Go heal your heart
His wife had an urgent medical appointment, so he had to get her there.
He very reasonably might've thought it was an error because the government ordered his license reinstated and told him. Multiple lawyers in that court room failed to look that up and the PD did the worst job (IMHO) by not researching whether the charges had probable cause before that hearing
theoretical judge: "I'm going to revoke his bail" theoretical PD: "your honor, I'd like the Court to be aware of this order reinstating the defendant's license" judge: "okay, not revoking his bail then. oh, hey, prosecutor..."
One of the corrective articles I saw said his wife had a serious medical issue and she was dependent on him for the ride to the doctor’s. He dropped her off at the front door and then parked his car for the zoom.
Honestly even Zooming from the back seat would be preferable. Actually if he was dropping off his wife, that would be perfect: can't establish who was driving at the time.
Cars are a lot of people's only quite space. Also, waiting for you case to be called for regular calendar (this seemingly was a first appearance, arraignment) takes a while. Furthermore, he had a license, so driving, even if he was on trial for driving w/o one, is 100% legal
Some victim blaming bullcrap here
The hearing was over child support, not a driving-related offense.
1! How is he doing? 2. The News owes him big. He deserves to have his named cleared and have an public apology. 3. Any pro-bono lawyers stepping up to sue for defamation/damages?
None of the publications you listed do journalism anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️
Journalists don't do journalism anymore. It's all brand support like the rest of us.
Truly a lie makes it around the world before the truth gets its shoes tied
I think your statement that "Harris' license had been reinstated years prior" is erroneous. The January 2022 order was presumably on Form FOC 86, which explains on it that the reinstatement won't happen until the licensing agency receives the order from the court and the fee from the defendant.
Sure sure, but fuck that judge for having him report to jail for doing something he was legally entitled to do
look, cnn is busy informing the public that alcohol consumed in flight acts like regular land-based alcohol they don’t have time for this
And busy intimating that no other sitting President ever had a kid in trouble with the law before Biden.
The Bush girls never got charged with underage drinking, for example.
Would it be wrong to say Fuck the Judge too?
What did the judge do wrong?
I don’t see this trial is listed on that page.
He told Mr. Harris to report directly to jail! Mr. Harris spent two days in prison because the judge wouldn't hear his explanation. I hope Mr. Harris gets an apology directly from the judge.
who gives him his life back?