
oh this is disgusting. using the typical "she made it up for revenge" and "she's too mentally ill to believe" BS.
i want to say that neil gaiman being accused of sexual assault by 2 different women surprises me but it does not because men
"police didn't follow up with me so she made it up" is bad enough, but then even the police were like..that's not what happened
when even the cops won't downplay your assault allegations 😬
"too mentally ill to believe" is such a common criterion for someone being targeted for abuse and sexual assault that to my mind, it makes the allegations more credible, not less. If a man insinuates a woman is "crazy," it's a good bet he did something to her.
this middle aged man did not give a nanny, his employee, even 24 hours before he decided to attack her. you do not and can not have a “consensual relationship” with your 6 year olds teenage caretaker. but he understands that! fucking asshole.
Honestly I always felt like his choosing to marry Amanda Palmer when she’s a known horrifying bigot of a human being meant he was also a terrible person (but bc people are so in love with him I just block him places and try not to deal with his fandom). But damn is this NOT a surprise at all.
Like you can accidentally marry a horrible person (I did, unfortunately still scrabbling to escape bc disability etc), but if you choose someone who is that well-known for being gleefully monstrous, it’s definitely reflecting something in you! (Plus the first wife getting too old thing blech)
wow it's almost like sexual assault effects peoples' mental health and ability to advocate for themselves (me a normal person who doesn't hate women) Neil: All women are cr@zy, and these survivors+ my ex wife are who's wrong. Mental Illness is good if its a cis-male writers but for women ew.
I notice how everyone's leaving the age gaps out, too- all the signs were there. And tbf American Gods was blatantly misogynistic. These fuckers are never subtle.
Wait, so his ex has been saying this kind of stuff about him too? Shit, how deep does this go?
all the way to him writing stories with pedophile heroes and young women who are somehow evil at the age of 6. So like 2003. seriously some are harder to find now but many one off short stories he's contributed to literature compellations are disgusting
There is literally no man we can safely appreciate. None.
He dumped his first wife when she aged out. Public knowledge for a decade and a half.
She was in her mid/late 40s, Amanda Palmer was early 30s. Fifteen years or so later, there's Gaiman and Palmer breaking up.
Why we should put estrogen in the water. Fix them all.
what men really think of women is truly disgusting sometimes
THIS is what really made me extra mad. Like he could have just said "No, I didn't do this" but instead said "bitches be crazy!" Like. C'mon.
Can we have just one celebrity who hasn't done a sex/war crime? Just one? Or am I asking too much here?
Matt Bomer is still okay, right?
We're never going to have anything nice again, are we?
knowing what I know about who abuses and why, I'm not surprised when famous wealthy people (especially men) are exposed as abusers
It's just disappointing and infuriating as someone who's grown up reading his works.... I'm definitely going to start seeking out more BIPOC and LGBTQ books because I can't keep doing this.