Rasputin Bladgett

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Rasputin Bladgett


So proud of France and the UK. Let's see if we can keep the trend going.
Well this is grim
My Lady of Mercy is the banginest song ever written about having a crush on Joan of Arc.
This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
The Last Dinner Party is great. Who would have ever guessed that the kids would be into baroque pop? I would call it the second coming of Kate Bush, but she already had her own second coming with Running Up That Hill.
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
the U.S. press' refusal to clearly inform the electorate the modern GOP is an utterly destructive, valueless cancer is among the biggest ethical and journalistic failures in modern human history happy holidays!
There are already people setting up for Kaboomtown. It is 100 degrees outside and the show doesn't start for like 9 hours. That is a dedication to fireworks that I simply do not possess.
Eating noodles so spicy I had to take my shirt off mid-meal.
Things are going very well when we've reached the "Don't worry, the military won't obey orders to kill civilians" stage of democratic backsliding. It's the sweet spot, where good things happen. Right where we want to be.
I keep saying that if Trump wins, things are going to get much worse, much faster than most people seem to think.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
Kamala Harris disappears for eight months at a time and pops up to say either “We’re all a bag of nuts in the tomato soup, which we have been, because we must” or stake out a position the White House has to call an emergency press conference to walk back
In July of 2020 Biden was up by 10 points. In July of 2024 he's down by 1. To be clear, down by 1 is still very much a winnable election, but christ it does not feel good. Anyone got something comforting to help me sleep at night down 1?
There's nothing funnier than when someone replies to you, waits long enough for you to read it, and then blocks you. On the one hand it's sad to need the last word so badly, but on the other hand, respect for that pettiness.
Merchan is now the most important man in the history of the country. Is that fair? No. But he's the only remaining thing that can save us from total authoritarian collapse. I have basically no faith that he'll do the right thing, but it's still a possibility!
Administrative agencies: very dangerous, must be line edited by Matthew Kaczmaryk President: operates behind a curtain, no peeking
The president is himself forever immune from prosecution for crimes committed using his official power, and he can pardon anyone for helping him to commit federal crimes, explicitly including an actions in furtherance of a coup to illegally hold onto the office of the presidency. That’s the upshot.
This country is cooked. I'd say we had a good run, but did we really?
Roberts rules for Trump. Absolute immunity for “official acts.” Vacated and remanded. Party line case. Both Sotomayor and Jackson dissent. Fuck this. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
If you think the fate of the country is in the balance, you can act to ensure victory, or you can ingratiate yourself to the side you fear most. Conventional news media has resolved to embrace the second while congratulating themselves for their ethics & honor in rejecting the first
Three days after the debate every Sunday news shows invited an avowed election-denying fascist on the air in an overt effort to legitimize them as good-faith commentators The news media is openly pro-fascist
I feel like if they really put their minds to it, Doritos could come up with a chip that has all of the flavor and none of the dust, but they refuse to do it because some c-suite pervert likes licking his fingers. I have no evidence for this, but it feels true so I'm choosing to believe it.
I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
I was just reclining in a very low-to-the-ground chair and when I stood up, the old-timey cartoon groaning noise that escaped was completely involuntary.
If you needed a handy infographic on just how much journalistic malpractice is going on at everyone's favorite publications
Phillip is such a little shit. He knows he gets treats when he walks in the wheel, but he's constantly testing the limits of *exactly how far* he needs to go. He takes a few steps then stops and meows and stares at me, and repeats this 4 or 5 times. Just walk, dude! I'll give you a treat!
"Don't vote for the guy who organized a violent insurrection at the US Capitol to try to overthrow the last election" would have seemed like a pretty G-D low bar for American citizens to get over if you'd asked my 2010 self about it. I think it's important to remain appalled by such moral turpitude.
It sucks that Caitlin Clark has become a cause celebre for white nationalists. She didn't ask for that. She doesn't deserve that. Just a bummer all around, man.
I bet the best part of being in a throuple is that you have someone to do all three Beastie Boys parts at karaoke.
My wife got some Limoncello LaCroix for a party and I tried a can and now I never want to sully my mouth with mere water for as long as I live.
"After Shari Stuart tried to explain that she has Stage 4 breast cancer and a weakened immune system, Stuart said the man called her a “f---ing liberal” and insisted masks were now illegal. He later coughed on her and said he hoped the cancer would kill her." www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/...
Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some stateswww.washingtonpost.com Lawmakers in North Carolina and New York say mask bans in response to pro-Palestinian protests would not target medical mask wearing, but critics are skeptical.